make money selling food recipes online in kenya

How to Make Money Selling Recipes online in Kenya

If you can create or write yummy food recipes then below is a guide on how to make money through selling your recipes online in Kenya.

make money selling food recipes online in kenya
A guide on making money through selling food recipes online in Kenya/Photo source

How to Make Money Online Selling Recipes

For any food and cooking enthusiast, the thought crosses your mind that maybe you can make a living by selling your recipes online, there is no reason to think that this can’t be possible because nothing is stopping you from enjoying cooking and making money while you do it. Whether you are an established cook or just a cooking enthusiast, we’ll teach you different ways to make money selling your recipes online in Kenya.

While it may seem to be easy, the process involved in marketing and selling your recipes is not that simple, but with the right dedication and creativity, you can easily make money by selling your recipes online.

1. Submit your recipes to websites that pay for recipe publications

recipe website in kenya that pays writers is also another website that you might want to consider. Unlike Muthurwa where you have to create a recipe book and wait for sales to generate income, 7daysmeal pays for every recipe submitted to their website. This is a Kenyan website, therefore you will get paid via Mpesa. Here is more information on how to get started.

2. Sell on Digital Marketplaces as eBook

write and sell your food recipes online in kenya at muthurwa marketplace
write and sell your Recipes online in Kenya at muthurwa marketplace/Photo Screenshot of Website is a digital marketplace where you can create your own shop and start selling your recipes in pdf or word format. All the local payment methods are integrated for your customers. Muthurwa pays its sellers via mpesa or Paypal in 48 hours.

3. Submit your recipes to magazines and blogs

Submitting your Food Recipes to Food Magazines in kenya, Dishy
Submitting your Food Recipes to Food Magazines in Kenya/ Photo by Dishy Magazine

Earn by Submitting your recipes to a food or cooking magazine or blogs. These magazines and blogs are in constant need of great recipes for publication and they are willing to pay you to submit or write recipes for them. To find out the procedures for submitting your recipes to such magazines, you can visit their official website to find out the guidelines. Some of the top food magazines in Kenya include the Yummy Magazine, Kenyan Kitchen, TnT magazine, Dishy Magazine  and many more.

4. Create a food blog and monetize your recipe content

Start your own food blog and sell recipes
Start your own food blog and sell recipes/ Photo by Iamafoodblog

This means of selling recipes requires a lot of patience because it takes time before you can start earning from a blog. Once established, your blog will help you make money not only through selling recipes but also through other various ways such as display ads (Google Adsense), influencer partnerships and affiliate marketing. You can also create a cookbook that can be sold through your blog. You can learn more about starting and running a food blog by checking out some of the established food blogs in Kenya like 7daysmeal, Pika chakula, Pendo la mama, Leo tunapika, all Kenyan recipes, Fauzia’s Kitchen Fun and many more.

5. Start a Food YouTube channel and monetize your recipe videos

Monetize by selling your food recipes through youtube like Tasty
Monetize by selling your food recipes through YouTube like Tasty/Photo Screenshot

Just like a blog, there are various ways to earn from a YouTube channel.  Unlike a blog where your recipes will only available via text, YouTube provides you with the opportunity to show your subscribers how cooking is done. This can be helpful especially with complicated cooking techniques like the decoration of cakes. The various ways to make money through a YouTube channel include through sponsored ads, affiliate marketing and YouTube ads.

6. Become a Recipe Writing freelancer

make money writing food recipe articles on freelance platforms like upwork
make money writing food recipe articles on freelance platforms like upwork/Photo Screenshot

Freelance working sites like Upwork, fiverr, Etsy amongst others also provide food and cooking enthusiasts with an opportunity to advertise their services and sell recipes.

7. Publish your recipe on Kindle

make money by Publishing your recipes as ebooks on kindle
make money by Publishing your recipes as ebooks on kindle/Photo Screenshot

There are many food enthusiasts making money online by selling their food and recipe-related books on Kindle. You can also compile your recipes into a book and publish it on Amazon Kindle. if you can develop your own unique recipes and are confident about your recipes you can published a well-edited recipe book and upload it on kindle where you can make good money by selling it readers. Kindle is ideal if your recipe targets an international market. Local food recipes may not generate enough revenue on Kindle.

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