
 Terms of Service

Welcome to Kenyayote! The following terms serve as a contract that governs your use of kenyayote.com and all its subdomains. They must be read together with our Privacy Policy.

By joining, registering, or using Kenyayote.com, you suggest that you have agreed to the terms of service.

The website refers to Kenyayote’s website located at Kenyayote.com, and all content provided by Kenyayote at or through the website. It also refers to Kenyayote-owned subfolders or subdomains of Kenyayote.com.

“Kenyayote”, “We”, and “US” refer to Kenyayote.com.

  1. You must provide true, accurate, and complete information when signing up with Kenyayote. Accounts registered with invalid details will be automatically deleted without notice.
  2. Kenyayote is not accountable or responsible for content that is posted by others and by our advertisers.
  3.  We do not tolerate, encourage, or expressively participate in the posting of content that violates the copyrights of others. We also strictly prohibit the submission of information/content that is intended to damage the reputation of a business or individual. If you come across such content, please promptly contact us so that necessary action can be taken.
  4. Every member is guaranteed to a single log-in access. If this agreement is breached then your account will be terminated
  5. When registering, you may be required to pay a registration or membership fee, which needs to be renewed annually to maintain your account. This fee is non-refundable, so ensure you agree with this commitment before proceeding.
  6. You may not transfer through kenyayote.com any material that inspires conduct that would institute a criminal offense.
  7. We do not privilege possession in any content that you might post through the site. The implication here is that the content will be open to public access.
  8. You must not post false information or content that violates the privacy of individuals, organizations, or institutions (refer to our privacy policy).
  9. You must not involve in any financial transactions in the name of Kenyayote without contacting us via our official email provided on our contact page, otherwise, it will be at your own risk.
  10. Your use of Kenyayote must not violate any laws in your jurisdiction.
  11. You agree not to impersonate an entity or person

Public Information

Do not share personal information like identification numbers, social security numbers, street address, phone numbers, financial account details, etc. in public on Kenyayote. If you choose to do so, then it will be at your own risk!

Kenyayote Ask

  • Public Access: Any user is welcome to ask questions, answer questions, and comment on Kenyayote ask forum.
  • Registration: You will be required to register to use some features of the forum.
  • Public Information: Once you register, you become a member of Kenyayote Ask and your names and username can be viewed by anyone. Therefore, do not use your email as a username.
  • Editorial policy: Comments, questions, and answers posted on Kenyayote Ask forum will be subject to editing to comply with our editorial guidelines.

Submitted Content Rights

You agree that once your submitted content has been published or approved, it will be permanently available on our website and irreversibly licensed to Kenyayote.com for free without any limitation of use.

Any request to amend or delete such content will be at the discretion of Kenyayote.com.

Registered users who have received approval through email communication to participate in the Contributor Program will be compensated at a rate determined at our discretion.


All materials available on Kenyayote and Kenyayote subdomains excluding third-party logos and trademarks are property of Kenyayote and should not be published anywhere without our permission. Students are allowed to use our content for free for academic work but must reference the original URL or link to the relevant page for work appearing online.


This is a section of our privacy policy that deals with third-party ads on our site (We thought it is important for users who visit the terms page only).

4) Third parties like Google will place ads on kenyayote depending on a user’s prior visit.

5) You can opt out of the use of the DoubleClick cookie by visiting the Google ads settings.  Learn more on how Google manages data in its ads products on this Privacy & Terms web page.

To read Kenyayote’s complete Privacy Policy kindly visit Privacy Policy

Violation of Terms

Any individual(s) found in violation of the aforementioned terms is subject to penalties, including the potential disqualification of their account and forfeiture of any associated benefits within Kenyayote. Additionally, we reserve the right to take action in cases where such violations cause harm to our business or partners.

TERMS UPDATED on 23rd January 2023.

For inquiries kindly use our contact
