Health effects of eating fish, Benefits of kenya one and china

Health effects of eating fish (Benefits)



Health effects of eating fish: Fish is a food that is high in protein, calcium, iron, omega 3 fatty acids and other essential vitamins. Fish is a very nutritious meal that is very crucial to the overall well-being of a person and especially growth in children. Fish is also very low in fats, which makes it even healthier. In East Africa and especially in Kenya, fish is eaten with a different type of meal like Fish and Ugali, fish and chips, which makes fish even more delicious. So if you love eating fish, what kind of benefits will enjoy? Well, this piece is detailed to give all the information that you need about the health effects of eating fish.

Health effects of eating fish, Benefits of kenya one and china
Health effects of eating fish and its benefits/Photo by Hodiah Chepchirchir‎
  • Help to regulate heart health

Fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are responsible for regulation vessel constriction and also preventing blood clotting. This omega 3 fatty acids can also prevent the heart from inflammation, which can be fatal for the heart. So if you really crave a healthy heart, then consider eating fish regularly.

  • Lowers depression

Yes, that’s how much fish can be useful. Fish is perfect for your overall mental health. Fish is known to have properties that aid with the overall mental health of a person like reducing signs and symptoms of depression.

  • Enhances bone health

Fish is an excellent source of vitamins, like vitamin D, for instance, which is very good at supporting bone health. This is particularly good for growing children and adults for healthy bones. So if you haven’t thought of incorporating fish into your family’s overall health, you should know that you are missing a lot of fish benefits.

  • May help in reducing asthma in children.

Asthma is associated with the inflammation of the airways making it difficult to breathe among other symptoms. Studies have proven that children who eat fish regularly are at low risk of suffering from asthma.


  • May help improve eyesight

The omega3 fatty acids are known to improve the overall health of the eyes. They may also help enhance and strengthen vision for older people who seem to have issues with their eyesight.

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