How to Get Married At the Attorney General’s Office in Kenya, Civil Marriage procedure

How to Get Married At the Attorney General’s Office in Kenya: Civil Marriage



Getting married at the attorney general’s office in Kenya (Civil Marriage): There is nothing more memorable to a couple than walking down the aisle in front of cameras and being the spotlight during the event.  Nowadays, many couples part with a fortune just to ensure they get a highly publicized and lavish wedding. However, for those who want a low profile occasion or do not have much to spend or for those who are out of time and want to tie the knot quickly, a wedding at the attorney general’s office is a good idea.

How to Get Married At the Attorney General’s Office in Kenya, Civil Marriage procedure
Procedure of How to Get Married At the Attorney General’s Office in Kenya (Civil Marriage)/Photo

The first step towards getting married at the AG’s office is visiting Sheria House. You should go to these offices with your spouse. Some of the requirements you should have include copies of your passports and national ID cards.

The next step is to fill a form dubbed the notice of intention to marry. You will be required to pay Kshs 200 for the form. The notice of intention to marry will hold for 3 weeks. However, the registrar of marriages could waive this notice during certain circumstances. You shall be asked for your passport and a valid identity card or any other type of identification. Alternatively, you may choose to write a letter and explain why you cannot wait for 3 weeks. In cases when one or both parties to the wedding are widowed, they will be asked to produce original and copies of the death certificate. Where one or both parties to a marriage are divorced, they will be required to come with a divorce decree absolute.

After the 21 days have lapsed, the couple will be required to fill an affidavit as per the Marriage Act, Section 11. This affidavit is commissioned by the registrar of marriages before the marriage certificate form is filled. After that, you will be asked for 1,500 to book a date when your marriage will be conducted. Usually, the marriage should occur within 3 months.


While having a religious or highly publicized marriage has its perks, it does dent your pocket significantly. The other options are to have a civil marriage or get married at the attorney general’s office. Getting married at the attorney general’s office is not only straight forward but also affordable and takes very little time.

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