Benefits and Health effects of eating bananas (Matoke and ripe)

Health effects of eating bananas (Matoke and Ripe)



Health effects of eating bananas: Bananas are a common fruit in Kenya, and most people seem to love this yellow fruit. Bananas in Kenya are eaten when both unripe and also when they are ripe. When they are unripe, they are cooked and eaten as ‘matoke’ whereas when they are ripe, they are eaten as fruits. Either way, these fruits are delightful and nutritious in whatever form you decide to consume them. So as you eat them, count yourself lucky to have all the benefits described below that come with eating bananas;

Benefits and Health effects of eating bananas (Matoke and ripe)
Benefits and Health effects of eating bananas (Matoke and ripe)/Photo by Muthoni Kinyanjui
  • Green bananas help with the digestive system

As we mentioned earlier, green bananas also have their benefits, which include helping out with the digestive system. An analysis by the Prilozi Section of Medical Sciences shows that green bananas help in regulating gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhoea and ulcers. So if you happen to suffer from such problems, then consider eating some matoke regularly.

  • Bananas for heart health

Bananas are fruits that are packed with an essential component known as potassium. Potassium is a beneficial mineral for our hearts. Potassium is also a mineral electrolyte that ensures that electricity is transferred all over you, which is what your heart needs most.

  • Banana benefits for weight loss

We know that proper digestion also helps in weight loss. Bananas have a high fibre content that allows you to have better bowel movements. Bananas also have vitamin B6 that aids in weight loss. Bananas are also sweet and filling, which helps us in fighting hunger pangs and cravings.

Is it OK to eat a banana every day?

According to what we’ve discussed on bananas health benefits, then it is OK to eat a banana every day. However, if you eat a lot of them, could be a health risk. An average human needs to 3,500mg of potassium each day, but an average banana contains 450mg of potassium, which means that six to seven bananas a day are enough. If you happen to eat more than ten bananas, then this might be very risky to your health.


The bottom line is, a banana is an excellent fruit if taken in the right measures, so go ahead, take a banana a day, and you will enjoy all the benefits we’ve discussed above.

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