Benefits and Health effects of eating honey, Raw and Pasteurize

Health effects of eating honey (Raw and Pasteurized)



Health effects of eating honey: Honey has been used for lots of decades as both food and medicine by many communities worldwide. Honey has lots of benefits that one can enjoy, including using it as food and also for medicinal purposes. Some hospital sometimes use raw unpasteurized honey to treat wounds and most Kenyans smearing on their bread and taking it for breakfast.

Benefits and Health effects of eating honey, Raw and Pasteurize
Benefits and Health effects of eating honey, Raw and Pasteurized/Photo Source

Many people are currently replacing honey with refined sugar for better health since honey is 100% free of calories. You can never go wrong with honey, so, let’s look at the most common health benefits of eating honey.

  • Prevents heart diseases and slows the ageing process

Honey is rich in antioxidants that have compounds known to prevent heart diseases. These antioxidants are also known to fight free radicals that are also known to accelerate the ageing process of a person. So if you take honey regularly, be sure that it will help you deal with early greying of hair and dealing with wrinkles.

  • Heals wounds

Due to the antibacterial and the anti-fungal properties that honey has, it is able t kill unwanted bacteria and fungus in wounds, thus accelerating the healing process of an injury. Honey is also claimed to inhibit further infection of a wound due to its antiseptic properties.

  • Minimise a sore throat

In case you have a cold, consider taking a spoonful of honey, and all will be well. This has been known to be an ancient remedy to colds and coughs. If you have a cough, you can also consider a spoonful of honey. If it is a cold, add honey to hot tea with lemon.

  • Enhances athletic performance

The ancient athletics were known to consume honey and dried figs to enhance their performances in athletics. Today, this has been confirmed by scientists because honey is known for maintaining the glycogen levels and allowing fast recovery than any other sweeteners that athletics use.


All these benefits are primarily associated with pure and raw honey. The one that you get from supermarkets is not raw; it is pasteurised. Pasteurised honey has gone through a lot of processes to allow it to improve colour and sometimes kill the yeast. In the process of pasteurisation, honey loses some of its properties that are beneficial to the health of a person. If you have to enjoy all these benefits, try getting raw honey from a genuine natural honey supplier.

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