Health Effects of eating Sukuma Wiki Meal

Health Effects of eating Sukuma Wiki



Health effects of eating sukuma wiki: Sukuma wiki is a typical East African meal that is made with collard greens commonly referred to as sukuma wiki. However, sukuma wiki is sometimes mistaken with kales. The collard greens popularly referred to as sukuma wiki are made with onions and tomatoes and sometimes some spices. Unfortunately, this nutritious dish is associated with poverty by some East Africans. Below are reasons why you should be eating sukuma wiki more regularly.

Health Effects of eating Sukuma Wiki Meal
Health Effects of eating Sukuma Wiki Meal/Photo Source
  1. Stronger bones

Sukuma wiki has a high content of vitamin K. This vitamin improves the intake of calcium and minimizes the excretion of it from our bodies. So if you take sukuma wiki regularly, you can be assured of stronger bones.

  1. Better eyesight

Kales have a high content of vitamin A, which strengthens the eyes and also boosts night vision. If you discover that your eyesight is weakening because of age, it will be a good idea to start incorporating sukuma wiki into your daily diet.

  1. Improves skin appearance

What if you were told of a method you could glow without having to spend a fortune? It would be of great help, isn’t it? Well, sukuma wiki is one way you could use to help brighten your skin’s overall look. Collard greens contains vitamin C which is responsible for smoothening and repairing skin tissues.

  1. Boosts immunity

Iron is a mineral found in collard greens that enables the formation of blood cells and hence boosts the immune system of a person. Iron also helps in oxygen circulation, which is a lifesaver to anaemic people. So if you need a strong immune system, sukuma wiki is your meal.

  1. Efficient digestion

Have you been having constipation or bowel issues? Then you might want to consider sukuma wiki as part of your diet. Sukuma wiki contains fibre which is responsible for aiding the digestion system with the whole process of digestion. The fibre is also said to lower cholesterol levels in the body, thus helping you lose that extra weight you may have.


Sukuma wiki is undoubtedly a very nutritious meal in most Kenyan homes. As we have seen, sukuma wiki can improve many aspects of your health. Fortunately, sukuma wiki turns out to be one of the most affordable foods in Kenya

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