ODM party Kakamega county nomations results winner, primaries

ODM Nomination Kakamega County: Primaries Results and Winners updates

Raila Odinga‘s party Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) primaries in Kakamega County are set for Saturday 15th April 2017. There are aspirants in the post of member of parliament in different constituencies, MCA, Senator and Women representative. The gubernatorial ticket was handed to the incumbent Governor Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya as he did not have a contestant opposing him.

ODM party Kakamega county nomations results winner, primaries
ODM party Kakamega county nominations results winner, primaries/Photo of party leader Raila Odinga and Deputy Hassan Joho


Kakamenga County has 12 constituencies and is perceived to be an ODM stronghold according to the 2013 presidential elections results.


Polling centers are expected to open by 6:00 am when voting will begin and close by 5:00 pm and thereafter tallying of votes will begin. ODM has indicated that the returning office will not come from Kakamega County to avoid chaos and mistrust as it happened in Busia County ODM primaries.


UPDATE: Kindly note  that we will update the winners below once the results are officially announced and after tallying.


Kakamega County ODM Nominations for Senator  candidates

  • Seth Sindani Panyako-43708votes
  • Kenneth Bukachi Kochwa-4593 votes
  • Justus Ambutsi Wabuyabo-12k votes

NOTE: one constituency has not been included and the final votes will be announced once elections in that constituency are held on Monday.

Kakamega County ODM Nominations for Women Rep(MP)  candidates

  • Hadija Nganyi Juma-4875 votes
  • Sarah Watsula-2139 votes
  • Elsie Busihile Muhanda-41403 votes

NOTE: one constituency has not been included and the final votes will be announced once elections in that one constituency are held on Monday

ODM Nominations for member of parliament (MP) Kakamega County candidates

Likuyani ODM nominations candidates

  • Deberious S. Wafula
  • Magellan Otanga Mungui
  • Sadat Macharia Muhindi

Lurambi Constituency ODM nominations aspirants

  • Stanley Ominde Khainga
  • Raphael Milikau Otaalo

Navakholo Constituency ODM nominations candidates

  • Moni Wekesa
  • Vance Paul Udoto

Mumias West constituency ODM nominations aspirants

  • Hon. Johnson Manya Naicca
  • Nafula Oddah O’wakwabi

Mumias East constituency ODM Nominations aspirant

  • Catherine Awino Omurunga
  • Justin Makari Mutobera

Matungu Constituency ODM nominations aspirants

  • Paul Posh Obwora
  • Paul Agutu Achayo

Butere Constituency ODM Nominations aspirants

  • Habil Nanjendo Bushuru -10,371 votes (winner)
  • Joseph Inzofu Nyamwata- 731 votes
  • Hon. Andrew Toboso Anyanga-8,448 votes

Khwisero Constituency ODM nominations aspirants

  • Benjamin Ogunyo Andama
  • Hon. Benjamin Andola Andayi
  • Hon.Rachel Ameso Amollo

Shinyalu Constituency ODM Nominations candidates

  • Hudson Karume Muhembere
  • Hon. Silverse Lisamula Anami
  • Caleb Mukanzi Likhanga
  • Justus Kizito Mugali

NOTE: We will update all the results of the winners once the primaries are over in Kakamega and Narok Counties.

[irp posts=”22165″ name=”IEBC Gazette: Published List of Names of Party Poll Aspirants, Candidates: 2017 Primaries”]
Do not  miss all our  latest update on Kakamega County ODM nomination results of winners once the are announced and independent electoral boundaries commission (IEBC) news.

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