learn about the new nhif rates as at 2018 that supa covers you

NHIF Rates 2018 for Employed and Self Employed (Latest Supa Cover Update)



learn about the new nhif rates as at 2018 that supa covers you
New NHIF rates as at 2018 that Supa Covers/Photo.

We have got the latest NHIF rates for the employed and self-employed. The rates were updated in a gazette notice published by NHIF on March 26th 2018. The National Hospital Insurance Fund is a government body that provides health insurance cover to Kenyans.

NHIF (Supa Cover) covers the following

  • Outpatient Services: Consultation, Laboratory Investigations, Daycare Procedures, Drugs and Dispensation, Health Education, Wellness and Counseling, Physiotherapy Services, Immunization or Vaccines as KEPI Schedule.
  • Inpatient Services
  • Maternal Care — Antenatal and Prenatal Care and Deliveries (Normal Deliveries and Caesarian Section)
  • Reproductive Health Services: Family Planning
  • Renal Dialysis
  • Overseas treatment for specialized surgeries not available locally.
  • Rehabilitation for drug 6 substance abuse,
  • All surgical procedures including transplants.
  • Emergency Road Evacuation Services.
  • Radiology Imaging Services (X-rays, CT Scan 6 MRI)
  • Cancer Treatment

NHIF Rates 2018

Salary Contribution Rates
Ksh. 5999 Ksh. 150
Ksh. 6,000- 7,999 Ksh. 300
Ksh. 8,000- 11,999 Ksh. 400
Ksh. 12,000- 14,999 Ksh. 500
Ksh. 15,000- 19,999 Ksh. 600
Ksh. 20,000- 24,999 Ksh. 750
Ksh. 25,000- 29,999 Ksh. 850
Ksh. 30,000- 34,999 Ksh. 900
Ksh. 35,000- 39,999 Ksh. 950
Ksh. 40,000- 44,999 Ksh. 1000
Ksh. 45,000- 49,999 Ksh. 1100
Ksh. 50,000- 59,999 Ksh. 1200
Ksh. 60,000- 69,999 Ksh. 1300
Ksh. 70,000- 79,999 Ksh. 1400
Ksh. 80,000- 89,999 Ksh. 1500
Ksh. 90,000- 99,999 Ksh. 1600
Ksh. 100,000 and above Ksh. 1700
Self-Employed Ksh. 500


Learn on: Online NHIF registration and mpesa paybill payment

NHIF Official Contacts

  • NHIF Email: customercare@nhif.or.ke
  • Phone Number:  (020) 272 3246 or  (020) 272 3290
  • NHIF Location street: Upper hill, Ragati Road- Haile Selassie Avenue Junction.


Do not miss all our updates on NHIF online payment, registration and rates

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13 responses

  1. Victoria Avatar

    I resigned from my former work place and transferred to kilifi county. Currently not working how do I update my account because I am now pregnant and would like to go for antenatal clinics.

  2. Simon Nyakwama Avatar
    Simon Nyakwama

    Iam a referee and am paying a sum of 500 on self employed basis.My question is that I would like to pay more,say,1500 per month to enable me get extra services.
    What is you take on this?

    1. Jayrain Avatar

      Such a scheme does not exist at the moment.
      You will continue paying 500 per month.

  3. julius ambani suchi Avatar
    julius ambani suchi

    There are NHIF rates calculated based on the gross salary or basic salary?

    1. Jayrain Avatar

      Based on gross

  4. Charles Kipchirchir koech Avatar
    Charles Kipchirchir koech

    Hi all,I defaulted since July 2017 due to personal issues. now I want to continue, can j pay ksh1500 and continue payment every month? thanks

    1. Jayrain Avatar

      Yes, but the card will be restricted for a period of two months once you default(card inactive for more than a year.)

  5. michael Onyango Avatar
    michael Onyango

    This finds you well, I once took my child to a hospital at night and could not secure certain services due to limit exhaustion. on inquiry, I was informed later that job N and above do not actually depend on limit. The same trend repeated itself recently. What is the official position on this matter?

  6. beatrice dena Avatar
    beatrice dena

    it is very important to open the super cover for the self employed even if they have to pay more. currently the hospitals available for self employed lack very many facilities. those who can pay a bit more and be able to access additional and better facilities should be allowed urgently

  7. G.G.Muraa Avatar

    In patient cases are addressed well for one can be attended in any registered facility. Do the same for outpatient instead of one applying where he or she can be attended. It is easy and no losses can be incurred because the information is captured and transmitted immediately.

  8. ekirapa Avatar

    How can get payment paid by employer

  9. Dorocas syombua kavemba Avatar
    Dorocas syombua kavemba

    How can I choose hospital of my choice, for my Nhif car use?

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