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How to Monetize Your Blog in Kenya: Making money online through blogging

In addition to helping you share what you love and are knowledgeable about, did you know that your blog can help you earn money too? There are bloggers earning up to $80,000 per month. Below are some ways you can earn an income through your bog.

Affiliate Marketing

This is a program that involves you placing links for certain products or services for a host company. Should any of your readers click on the links and make a purchase, you will end up receiving a percentage of that sale.

One tip you should note is that you should only promote products that are relevant to your niche. If possible, only promote products that you have used personally. Affiliate programs you can use are Amazon Associates, ClickBank or LinkShare.

Offer Courses

If you are an expert in your field, why not offer a course about it on your blog? Get people to sign up by offering free incentives that add value to their lives. Once you do, offer a course at an affordable fee. Because you have already proven to your readers that you have something valuable to offer, they will not hesitate to pay for what you want to teach them.


Google AdSense program pays you to host ads on your site. Depending on the amount of traffic your blog draws in, you can make a few dollars per day. However, this particular method will not guarantee you hundreds of dollars every night. You may earn several thousands a year though.

Here is a comprehensive list of blog monetization opportunities.

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4 responses

  1. Reuben martine Avatar
    Reuben martine

    I would like to make money through blogging

  2. Joel etyang Avatar
    Joel etyang

    I want to work on this platform

  3. Silva kibe Avatar
    Silva kibe

    I am interested in bloggery!

  4. Lorraine Avatar

    I would want to make money online through blogging

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