KNEC Recruitment of 233,638 Examiners to Mark 2017 KCPE and KCSE begins

KNEC Recruitment of 233,638 Examiners to Mark 2017 KCPE and KCSE begins

The national examinations agency is recruiting 233,638  staff to manage 2017 primary and secondary school national examinations. Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has asked the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to vet and recommend teachers to be hired to administer the examinations.

KNEC Recruitment of 233,638 Examiners to Mark 2017 KCPE and KCSE begins
KNEC Recruitment (Hiring) of 233,638 Examiners to Mark 2017 KCPE and KCSE begins/Photo

In a letter to TSC Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia, KNEC acting Secretary Mercy Karogo requested the vetting of prospective invigilators and supervisors. `”This is to request you to help in identification and vetting of supervision and invigilation personnel who are of high integrity, credible and able to pay attention to detail during the conduct of examinations. Supervisors must be senior teachers, preferably heads of departments,” said Ms Karogo.


Number of Registered Candidates n 2017

Some 1.6 million candidates were registered to write the examinations this year. Of these, 1,003,556 candidates were registered for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam and 615,773 for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) papers. The KCPE exams will be done in 28,566 centers while KCSE will be done in 9,350 centers.

A detailed breakdown of required staff shows that for KCPE examinations, a total of 156,450 officials will be contracted. Of these, 61,824 will be supervisors, 26,498 invigilators, 52,672 security personnel and15,456 drivers. For KCSE, 35,388 invigilators, 10,000 supervisors, 19,542 security personnel and 9,771 center managers will be deployed. In addition to these, eight regional co-ordinators will be on duty as well as all the county security officers.

Private schools teachers

The circular signed by Mary Rotich, acting director of teacher management, says teachers from private schools who are nominated must be registered by TSC and meet the specified qualities.


This story was adopted from StandardMedia and was written by Augustine Aduor

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