knec 2017 kcse and kcpe timetables online

KNEC: 2017 KCSE and KCPE exam Timetables, Download Online

Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has released 2017 timetables of Kenya Certificate of Primary education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of secondary  education (KCSE). Download the timetables below to view which subject starts and finishes.

knec 2017 kcse and kcpe timetables online
KNEC 2017 KCSE and KCPE timetables available for download online/Photo




NOTE from KNEC on KCSE and KCPE  2017 exams


  • All examinations will start at 8.00 a.m.
  • The time allowed for each paper is indicated against the name of the paper and NO EXTRA TIME IS TO BE ALLOWED. In case of any discrepancy, the time stated on the question paper should be taken as the correct one. Time for reading through questions is part of the time shown on the question paper except where special paper instructions indicate otherwise.
  • Supervisors and Invigilators are asked to ensure that candidates have written their names, index numbers and have signed on their answer scripts before they collect the answer scripts from each candidate while the candidates are advised to ensure that they take the subjects they are registered for.

2017 KCSE Exam Timetable Schedule for normal subjects

  • 03/11/2017: FRIDAY-Rehearsal Day
  • 06/11/2017: MONDAY-Start  of Exam Day 1 paper (121/1 Mathematics Alt.)
  • 29/11/2017: WEDNESDAY last paper-Physics (Practical)

2017 KCPE Exam Timetable Schedule for normal subjects

  • 30.10.2017: MONDAY- Rehearsal Day
  • 31.10.2017: TUESDAY DAY 1 First subject-Mathematics
  • 02.11.2017: THURSDAY  End of Exam DAY 3 last subject- Social Studies and R.E


  • KNEC KCSE 2017 Timetable: Download HERE
  • KNEC KCPE 2017 Timetable: Download HERE


Do not miss all our updates on KNEC  2017 KCSE and KCPE exams!

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One response

  1. Khalid Avatar

    How can I download it please

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