Kisii County Jubilee Party primaries results, governor, senator, mp winners in May 2017 nominations

Kisii County Jubilee party Nominations results: Primaries winners

Kisii County Jubilee party primaries, Friday 12th May  2017: The Jubilee party nominations went down in Kisii County on Friday. The Most hotly contested seat in the Kisii primaries was  that of  Governor  and senator position. The candidates to beat in this position were  Senator Chris Oboure and  (CIC) chairman Charles Nyachae.



Kisii County Jubilee Party primaries results, governor, senator, mp winners in May 2017 nominations
Kisii County Jubilee Party primaries results, governor, senator, mp winners in May 2017 nominations/Photo

Kisii County has  nine constituencies that is; Bobasi, Bonchari, Bomachoge Borabu, Bomachoge Chach, Kitutu Chache North, Kitutu Chache South, Nyaribari Chache, Nyaribari Masaba, and South Mugirango constituency. The current governor James Ongwae was elected in an ODM party ticket.


According to the 2013 general election results, Raila Odinga got More votes than Uhuru Kenyatta and therefore the region is perceived to be an ODM stronghold.
Kisii County nomination  result of Gubernatorial, Senatorial, Member of parliament and women Rep

NOTE: Results of winners and losers will be updated here once their are officially announced by the returning office


Governor  Results

  • Christopher Mogere Obure:  208091 votes (winner)
  • Alfred Akunga: 4782 votes


Jubilee party official website, portal:
Jubilee party Headquarter Location: Jubilee House, Pangani, Nairobi
Jubilee official contacts: 0771 399841, 0780 184393, 0780 445098,0704 367983, 0717 041240


Do not miss all our latest updates on  Kisii County Jubilee party nominations results and winners, dates of other county primaries, IEBC polling centers and Certificate awards.

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