tip for first years on surviving in campus, college life

Dr. Gathu: Tips to First Years, six qualities of staying in university comfortable



Dr. Ruth Gathu  a Senior Lecturer  at Kenyatta University shares tips on how to start your life in campus, college/University as a first year and stay comfortable.

tip for first years on surviving in campus, college life
Tip for first years on how to survive campus, college/University life/Photo Source


six qualities will make a student’s stay in Kenyatta University comfortable, beneficial and successful.


First and foremost you have to develop high level of competence in all that you do. This should involve educational and social competence. Competence will enable you to tackle all the problems you will encounter with diligence and thus make your stay and life manageable and enjoyable in KU. At the same time you will be able to address day to day issues in your stay in KU for the next four years.

Manage your emotions: This will be possible through self-control. Avoid explosive behaviour that would hurt others and cause damage to property.
Develop autonomy in all aspects: Autonomy will make you have a sense of choice, individuality, independence, being able to make a difference and have a sense of responsibility. Autonomy will encourage you to consider alternatives, make choices and explore possible consequences.
The best policy is to establish identity. It is your responsibility to identify with KU and the
community. Let us all become part of the KU family since a family with identity that is cohesive
will always be firm and united. Interpersonal relations are very crucial for cohesive coexistence in as diverse a community as KU. This can only be achieved through proper and positive decision-making, self respect, respect for others, respect for property and the community at large.There is also need a to develop a high level of tolerance in all aspects of life.

Develop a purpose: This can only be achieved through having answers as to the following questions: WHY are you in the University? WHAT brought you to the university? WHO should you
relate with and approach? WHEN should you do your work to meet your goals and aspiration?
WHERE to go, and HOW or what process do you follow to achieve  your goals and objectives? You
need to be focused on what brought you to KU. If you follow this path, you will be able to achieve your goals with ease.
Lastly, develop high levels of integrity as a person. This makes you to tell the truth no matter
what, avoid giving lame excuses, be responsible and avoid the blame game, give away what you
want and avoid manipulations to win, and develop self dependence. Thus have it, own it and enjoy it.

Dr. Ruth Gathu  is a Senior Lecturer  at Kenyatta University Department of Agricultural Science and Technology.

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