TSC Move to deal with Teacher absenteeism in school and Class

TSC Move to deal with Teacher absenteeism in school and Class



Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is moving with speed to deal with cases of teacher absenteeism in schools.  Below is a statement the commission shared earlier on dealing with teacher class absenteeism.

TSC Move to deal with Teacher absenteeism in school and Class
TSC Move to deal with Teacher absenteeism in school and Class/Photo


TSC Statement on Teacher Absenteeism

In order to optimally utilize the teaching resource in public learning institutions and ensure delivery of quality teaching services, the Commission reiterates the need for all teachers and Heads of Institution to be available in school at all times to undertake the assigned teaching and administrative duties.
This is in line with the Code of Regulations for Teachers (2015), Recognition agreements between Teachers Service Commission and Unions and Collective Bargaining  agreements.
In this regard all TSC County Directors have been directed to ensure that absence from school by teachers and Heads of Institution is minimized at all costs. In particular they are required to ensure the following:

  • Where a teacher has to be away from school for whatever reason, including official assignment, written permission should be granted by the Head of Institution and the absence and reasons for the same recorded in the school logbook.
  • Heads of Primary schools to obtain written permission from TSC Sub-County Directors while all Principals in Post Primary institutions will be granted the same by TSC County Directors.
  • All Heads of Institution who plan to be out of school on official assignment requiring use of public funds should inform County Directors of Education in writing.
  • Government Ministries, Agencies and Non Governmental organizations undertaking educational programmes that require teachers participation should schedule the activities for weekends and school holidays.
  • All the Kenyan Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) and Kenya Primary School Heads Association (KEPSHA) activities and conferences at all levels should be undertaken during weekends and school holidays.
  • All elected Sacco, Union and Societies officials are required to schedule their  programmes during week-ends and school holidays.
  • Activities that are not core to the teaching administrative duties assigned to teachers and the school administrative staff should NOT be carried out during the programmed teaching hours.
  • Arrangements should be made for all classes to be attended to In the absence of the assigned teacher. In all cases, a make-up programme for untaught classes and /or lessons should be agreed on where absence is anticipated. The make-up arrangement should also be recorded in the log book.

Finally, Heads of Institution should ensure syllabi for the different classes and levels of learning are effectively covered and in good time.
Any case of non-compliance should be brought to the attention of County and Sub-County Directors who will take appropriate action.
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