Photo President Uhuru Kenyatta meets Donald Trump at G7 summit, Italy

Photo: President Uhuru Kenyatta meets Donald Trump at G7 summit, Italy

President Uhuru Kenyatta arrived in Italy and  below is a photo of him  meeting with US President Donald Trump for the May 2017  G7 summit in Italy.

Photo President Uhuru Kenyatta meets Donald Trump at G7 summit, Italy
President Uhuru Kenyatta meets US president Donald Trump at the G7 summit, Italy/Photo Source


Italy G7 Summit
The  43rd G7 summit opening ceremony was held on 26th May 2017 11:30 am at the renowned Greek Theater and the meeting will come to an end on the  27 of May 2017 in Taormina Italy. Below are the invited countries and leaders.

Leaders of the seven G7 member states

  • Canada prime minister: Justin Trudeau
  • France president: Emmanuel Macron
  • Germany Chancellor: Angela Merkel
  • Italy Prime Minister: Paolo Gentiloni
  • Japan Prime Minister: Shinzo Abe
  • United Kingdom Prime Minister: Theresa May
  • United States President: Donald Trump
  • European Union Commission President: Jean-Claude Juncker
  • European Union Council President: Donald Tusk

Invited Guest from Africa to the 43rd G7 meeting

  • Ethiopia Prime Minister: Hailemariam Desalegn
  • Kenya President: Uhuru Kenyatta
  • Nigeria President: Muhammadu Buhari
  • Tunisia  President:Beji Caid Essebsi

President Uhuru Kenyatta at the G7 summit

This is the first time Kenya is being invited to share a table at the G7 summit. President Uhuru Kenyatta who traveled with Kenya’s foreign affairs cabinet  secretary Amina is supposed to highlight on the progress of Kenya and Africa  has made in development.

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s meeting with president  Donald Trump enhnaces the good relationship between Kenya America.


Do not miss our latest updates on President Uhuru Kenyatta at the G7 summit today.

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