2020 University and Colleges online application for admission in Kenya

2024 University and Colleges online application for admission, Kenya

Below is a list of Universities and Colleges that offer online applications for different intakes throughout the year in Kenya in 2024 and how to apply.

We will keep updating this list every time intakes are open. We’ve created this page to make it easy for potential students to find out where and how to apply.

This page only belongs to privately sponsored students. Government-sponsored students who are placed by KUCCPS will need to visit and download an admission letter.

2024 University Admission Application for PSSP

The section below belongs to private sponsored students. That is students not sponsored by the government through KUCCPS. Just click besides apply online to apply to any university that you are interested in.

  • University of Nairobi (UON) Intakes and Admission for (Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate: APPLY ONLINE
  • Kenyatta University (KU) Intakes and Admission for (Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate: How to apply online.
  • Strathmore University (Strath) Intakes and Admission for (Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate: APPLY ONLINE.
  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) 2024 Intakes and Admission  for (Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate: APPLY ONLINE
  • United States International University Africa (USIU)  Intakes and Admission  for (Diploma, undergraduate and post graduate: APPLY ONLINE
  • Mount Kenya University (MKU)  Intakes and Admission  for (Diploma, undergraduate and post graduate: APPLY ONLINE
  • Egerton University (Eger)  Intakes and Admission  for (Diploma, undergraduate and post graduate: DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FORMS
  • Maseno University Intakes and Admission  for (Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate:
  • KCA University  Intakes and Admission  for (Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate: DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FORMS
  • Day Star University Intakes and Admission  for (Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate: APPLICATION PROCEDURE
  • Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) Intakes and Admission  for (Diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate: APPLY ONLINE

Other Universities and colleges will be updated soon. For any inquiry about admissions and intakes visit our contact us page.

Do not miss our updates on how to apply for admission online!

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One response

  1. Elizabeth Gift Juma Avatar
    Elizabeth Gift Juma

    Application for Diploma in primary education results 2018 Elizabeth Gift Juma Index 36613102050 mean Grade C AGP 39 ENG C- KIS C MAT D BIO D+ CHE D HIS B+ CRE B- BUS C-

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