KNEC details KCSE and KCPE 2019 Registration of Candidates, Forms, Dates and Deadline

KNEC: How to register candidates for KCSE and KCPE 2024 exams



Below is a procedure of how to register candidates for KCSE and KCPE 2024 examinations online using KNEC portal, including dates of registration, deadline, and submission of registration forms.

KNEC on 2024 Registration of Candidates

The registration of candidates for the 2023 KCPE, and KCSEย  examinations started on January 29, 2024. The deadline for registration is March 29, 2024

NOTE: There will be no extension of the registration deadline.

Number of Candidates required to register KCSE or KCPE Center

Schools with less than 30 candidates are required to be hosted by any school close to their location. The school to host them should have more than 30 candidates.

The hosted school will retain its code during the registration of candidates. Schools with less than five (5) candidates are advised to register their candidates in another approved examination centre.

Headteachers and Sub County Education Officers are required to log onto the KNEC website: for capturing of the registration details of the candidates and uploading of the photographs using the registration password for the respective examination center.

All candidates must be registered where they have been learning. Registration in two centres (double registration) will be treated as examination malpractice.

KCPE and KCSE 2024 Issuance of Index Numbers

All candidates for both KCPE and KCSE examinations will be issued with an INDEX NUMBER as per the schools ADMISSION REGISTER NOT class performance as was the case in previous years.

Requirements of New School Registration for KCSE and KCPE 2024 exams

New schools wishing to be registered for KNEC examinations should submit to KNEC the following:

  1. Valid registration certificate from the County Director of Education;
  2. Duly filled inspection questionnaire from the County Director of Education;
  3. Duly filled application form from the school.

NB: Expired registration certificates will not be accepted.

How to get a KNEC sub-county CODE

New Sub Counties wishing to be allocated a KNEC code and coding of the schools should submit the following to KNEC:

  1. A Kenya Gazette notice legalizing the creation of the Sub County;
  2. List of Schools showing their previous codes and the proposed new codes;
  3. Location of the storage facility (Container) and details of the Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) or Assistant Deputy County Commissioner (ADCC) office.

KCSE 2024 Registration of Private Candidates

All private candidates shall be registered at the Sub County Director of Education.

Candidates wishing to register privately will be required to download the private candidate registration form from the KNEC website, complete it as required, and present it to the respective Sub County Education office for further instructions within the registration period.

 For registration of the KCSE candidates, KNEC will only allow one private examination centre per Sub County. Private candidates are not allowed to individually deposit money into the KNEC collection accounts and Sub-County Education Officers are asked to ensure compliance to this regulation.

KCPE 2024 Registration of Private Candidates

All non-formal centers for the KCPE examination shall be expected to register their candidates with the Sub County Education offices and to upload candidates’ photographs online. No hard copies of photographs should be submitted to KNEC. All non-formal schools for the KCPE examination are required to submit their registration certificate from the Ministry of Education (MoE);

All Heads of Institutions and Sub County Education officers registering private candidates are asked to note that there will be no keying or amending of candidates’ details after the deadline.

All schools and private candidates shall be expected to adhere to entry requirements as stipulated in the registration instructions for registration of candidates for the KCPE and KCSE examinations as stipulated in the regulations and Examination Manual for each examination printed and circulated to schools.

All private candidates will be expected to pay their examination fees directly to the KNEC fees collection accounts and the deposit slips should be given to the Sub County Director of Education who will be expected to submit them to KNEC together with other registration documents. The Sub County Director of Education are requested to ensure that such candidates are dully registered.

Registration Forms

The Kenya National Examinations Council shall not send any documents for the registration of candidates for the 2024 KCPE and KCSE examinations.

As was the case in the year 2024, all documents for the registration of candidates are to be downloaded from the KNEC website.

How to Register KCSE/KCPE Candidates via KNEC Portal

KCSE exam registration procedure
KCSE exam registration knec portal/Photo

To register candidates for KCPE or KCSE examination online follow the procedure below:

  • Visit the KNEC portal:
  • Under primary schools (KCPE) or Secondary Schools (KCSE)
  • Click Candidates registration
  • Login with school username and password
  • Select task and click continue
  • Enter candidates name, gender, year of birth, index number, entry code, citizenship, birth certificate no, disability status, passport photo, examination subjects
  • After entering all the details click post

KCSE and KCPE 2024 Examination Fees

The government of Kenya shall pay examination fees for all candidates in public and private schools except for the following:

  1. candidates who are re-sitting/repeating
  2. Non-Citizens and Private candidates registering in the Sub County private examination centers;

KCSE and KCPE ย 2024 Registration Password and portal accounts

Passwords are confidential to each school and should be secured by the headteacher. In the event that a school has lost/ forgotten its password, the headteacher should send an email to KNEC (

All new centres once approved and uploaded on the website shall access the registration platform by keying in their centre number as both the user name and password. Headteachers are advised to change the password from the centre number to a password of their choice to maintain confidentiality.

Heads of institutions and Sub County Directors of Education are advised to safeguard their passwords to restrict access to the school’s registration data by unauthorized persons.

Verification of Candidates’ Registration Details

All heads of institutions are expected to ensure all candidate’s registration details are captured correctly and that every candidate has confirmed the same and signed the nominal roll.

Verification of registration data will take place between (dates to be updated). Teachers are advised NOT to sign for their candidates as there will be NO WINDOW FOR CANDIDATES TO SIT FOR ANY SUBJECT ASUNDER-PROTEST IN THE 2024 EXAMINATION.

How to submit KCSE and KCPE 2024 Registration forms to KNEC

The Sub County Director of Education will be expected to submit to KNEC all registration documents from the schools and private candidates by (dates to be updated)

NOTE: You can now download a pdf of official KNEC KCSE and KCPE past papers from

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24 responses

  1. Peter Sudi Avatar
    Peter Sudi

    I want to register kcse as a private candidate please how can I registered

  2. nurein Avatar

    I want to register my sister kcse is if possible

  3. nurein Avatar

    I want to register kcse exam for my sister but she dropped in form 3 2018 will it be possible…she wants to study though money let her down

  4. Jacob m masila Avatar
    Jacob m masila

    what’s the deadline for the kcse registration for intepented cantintates?

  5. Beatrice Aja Avatar
    Beatrice Aja

    My child’s birth certificate is not yet out but I applied how can I be helped and she’s registering for kcpe 2020

  6. Zawadi Avatar

    Can I change the school where my child shall sit for the Kcpe. Where she was registered things are not working out.

  7. Mohamed Hassan Avatar
    Mohamed Hassan

    It may mistakenly happen a learner registered citizen instead of non _citizen kindly respond and advice accordingly .Thanks

  8. erick Avatar

    i also comment,days be added for registration to be complete and i complain for the office in bomet county where birth certificates are issued ,they are least serious.

  9. Dickson Musungu Avatar
    Dickson Musungu

    where can i download principals declaration form for kcpe registartion>

  10. ian njeri Avatar
    ian njeri

    please knec add days for the people who delayed to register themselves please help being one of them

  11. james kimani Avatar
    james kimani

    can the days of registration of candidates be added maybe till the end of feb

    1. Elvis Nyakang'i Avatar

      For help contact KNEC via 0720741001 or 0732333860.

      1. Titus mwema syengo Avatar
        Titus mwema syengo

        I request to be registered private candidate KCSE

  12. Veronica munyao Avatar
    Veronica munyao

    I have a candidate who’s birth certificate was delayed but came out on 16th. can he be registered?

    1. Elvis Nyakang'i Avatar

      You need to visit your county education office to get help

  13. Tianah lopez Avatar
    Tianah lopez

    please help I need to register for exams and am late what should I do

  14. eli bosco Avatar
    eli bosco

    Someone confirm to me please! Is there no late registration of a candidate(s) after feb 15?

    1. Elvis Nyakang'i Avatar

      KNEC gave 15th as the deadline. You will have to visit your county education office for any other arrangements.

  15. jasmine cherotich Avatar
    jasmine cherotich

    I want to register private candidate KCPE

  16. Rose Avatar

    I want to registered kcse as a private candidate please how can l registered

  17. Nahasion Otete Avatar
    Nahasion Otete

    Information is precise & fundamental.
    However,I have received several calls asking for KCPE registration OF ksh 6000_for my daughter.

    1. Elvis Nyakang'i Avatar

      The Ministry of Education pays examination fees for all KCPE and KCSE candidates for both private and public schools.
      Only private candidates do pay for themselves.

      1. muhudin zakaria hassan Avatar
        muhudin zakaria hassan

        the ministry of education pays examination for al kcpe and kcse candidaters for both private and public schools

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