Zakayo By Christina Shusho release

Zakayo By Christina Shusho song set to be released



Renowned Tanzanian gospel singer Christina Shusho has announced the impending release of her latest single, “Zakayo,” sparking curiosity among her Kenyan fans of whether the song targets the nickname associated with Kenya’s president.

A teaser shared on Christina Shusho ‘s social media platforms indicates that the song will draw inspiration from the biblical story of Zacchaeus, a tax collector.

The timing of the release has led some Kenyans on social media to speculate about the song’s potential connection to the country’s current political climate, particularly regarding President William Ruto’s controversial tax policies.

President Ruto, who has been nicknamed “Zakayo” by political critics, has faced significant backlash for introducing a series of new taxes since taking office. The nickname “Zakayo” is a play on the biblical figure Zacchaeus, known for his occupation as a tax collector.

While Shusho has not explicitly confirmed any political undertones in her new song, the coincidence has sparked heated discussions on social media.

We will share the lyrics, video and YouTube URL once the song is released.

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