How to write a resignation letter and sample resigning letter

How to write a resignation letter and sample resigning letter

How to write a resignation letter and sample: A resignation  letter is normally  a short letter addressed  to one’s  employer giving notice on their intention to vacate/quit their current position in the said organization. Even though it’s  not a must for one to state their reasons for quitting, in most cases, it’s  only polite if one does so. They are normally addressed  to the Human Resource  Department  or to immediate  authority according  to protocol.



NOTE: We will share a sample of a resignation letter here and how to write one. This post is only sharing on what a resignation letter is.


In most cases, these types of letters are written  as part of formalizing  the process of one’s  exit from their current employer  to the next,in order to give room for the search  of a possible  replacement.The most appropriate  notice  is then given as per the stated agreement  on the employment  contract  signed  at the beginning of the tenure.  This also helps one to start the clearance process  from the department  if need be.


As much as resignation  letters mark the end of a work  relationship with one’s  current employer,they doesn’t  necessarily indicate the end of good relations between the resigning  party and the  organization. There are many people  who have left their current organizations in search of better opportunities  and end up coming back later on to  much greater roles.


Do not miss all our letter writing samples and guides

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