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Winner of Kajiado central by election results: ODM’s Elija Memusi and Patrick Tutui votes update



Kajiado central by-election is here with us. It is has been a competitive race and campaign between Jubilee alliance party (JAP)’s Patrick Tutui and ODM’s Elija Memusi. Kajiado central by-election has seen powerful state officers right from the president camp in Kajiado central to ensure that their party emerge winners. But ODM’s Elija Memusi has carried the day

 Elijah Memusi Kanchory Kajiado Central mp
Elijah Memusi Kanchory carried high after emerging the winner in the Kajiado Central by election

Kajiado central constituency being a neutral ground has been one of the hardest race to predict who exactly will emerge the winner.

The winning of ODM’s Elijah Memusi has re-energized Raila Odinga and CORD in general and given jubilee every reason to be worried of him ahead of the 2017 general election.

Final results of kajiado central by elections are;

1.      Elijah Memusi-ODM candidate-16,008 votes

2.      Patrick Tutui-Jubilee alliance party (JAP)-15,508 votes

3.      Kuntai Nkashuma-Independent Candidate-100 votes


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