TSC directive on the role of teachers in containing coronavirus spread in kenya

TSC: Role of teachers in containing coronavirus in Kenya



Following the confirmation of coronavirus cases in Kenya by the government, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued a directive to all teachers, regional directors, county directors and heads of institution on measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.

In a press statement dated March 16, 2020, the commission directed regional directors and county directors to ensure that all subsequent government advisories are adhered to and implemented accordingly.

The directors were further instructed to be at the forefront in creating awareness of the disease and the first point of contact between the institutional administrators and the commission.

TSC directive on the role of teachers in containing coronavirus spread in kenya
TSC directive on the role of teachers in containing coronavirus spread in Kenya/Photo by Source

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia indicated that; “Regional directors and county directors are required to advise institutional administration to create WhatsApp groups with their teachers in order to keep abreast on the happenings and for updates on critical information,”

TSC further asked all teachers keep strict and limited social interactions, be on the look and use alternative modes of communication on need basis.

Critical services will be offered by the commission through the following hotlines: Safaricom – 0722208552, Telkom – 0777208552 and through the commission’s email info@tsc.go.ke. Medical service providers’ hotline is 1528 while the mobile number is 0730604000.

The commission further asked teachers to take a leading role in sensitizing parents on the preventive measures of the disease and directed the regional directors to provide a daily status report to the Deputy Commission Secretary.

As learning in all schools now remain suspended by the government, the commission obligated county directors through institutional administrators to encourage parents to have learners study throughout the period using alternative methods of learning.

Students can access KBC English Channel – Radio broadcast, EDU TV channel, KICD digital content on the cloud, websites such as Skool.com Mindset Network TV and commonwealth of learning for digital learning content.

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