CDC Coronavirus prevention schools and children precautions

Preventing school children from Coronavirus: Ministry of Health

The first case of Coronaivrus was confirmed in Kenya on Friday 13th March 2020 at Kenyatta Hospital. It was a case of 27 year old lady who traveled from US Ohio, through Chicago, London to Kenya on 5th March 2020. Below are precautionary measures that school should undertake to prevent students from Covid-19

Coronavirus Precautionary measures for schools

Here is what the Cabinet Secretary for the ministry of health in Kenya, Hon Mutahi Kagwe said;

  • Schools to remain open but all inter school games are cancelled
  • Keep 1-meter distance from a person who is sneezing or coughing

CDC School children Coronavirus prevention guidelines

In order to protect school children from Coronavirus infection, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that;

  • School Staff school should protect their personal health
  • Any person in the school compound who is sick should stay at home
  • Surfaces that are frequently touched should be thoroughly cleaned
  • meetings and events should be limited

Who on Coronavirus Prevention

World health organization (WHO) suggest that;

  • Anyone with fever or cough should seek medical attention
  • Regularity wash hands with alcohol based hand run or soap and water
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

In a notice dated March 4 the ministry of education also directed all regional, county and sub-county education directors to urge all school children and staff to be cautious of Covid-19.

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