Sample job appointment letter and how to write a letter of appointment

Sample appointment letter and how to write a letter of appointment

Sample and writing guides: An appointment letter is written by the employer to a selected candidate in an interview session letting them know of their selection to the job they had applied. As an employer below are some of the guidelines on how to come up with an interesting letter of appointment;

How to write a letter of appointment

Below is a brief procedure on how to write a  letter of appointment;

  • Begin your appointment letter by clearly indicating your name, title, address and the company name. Do not forget to add the date of correspondence just below your address details.
  • Precisely include the name of the receiver ant their address in your letter. Since you already met and know them use the appropriate salutation. It sounds more polite.
  • Let your appointment letter subject line clearly tell the receiver at first glance on what your letter is all about.
  • Begin your letter by confirming to the receiver of their appointment of the position while indicating the reporting date. If you require them to visit the office on an early date for contract signing, let them know while clearly indicating the date and time to avoid confusion.
  • If your company has a probation period, let your receiver know. Remember to include the period of probation and other details that might be affected such as salary during that period and thereafter.
  • Keep in mind to mention details on relevant tax deductions and bonuses on your appointment letter.
  • Details such as frequency of travels and possible transfers make an important aspect of your letter of appointment.
  • Before signing off your appointment letter, remind the receiver of their expected duties and obligations in relation to their position.
  • Sign off your letter of appointment officially with full names, signature, organization stamp and seal.

Example/Sample appointment letter

Below a sample appointment letter.

Sample job appointment letter and how to write a letter of appointment
Sample job appointment letter and how to write a letter of appointment/Photo Letter

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2 responses

  1. saida hashi Avatar
    saida hashi

    I would love to get sample of your letters

    1. Edmund Saye GBAH Avatar
      Edmund Saye GBAH

      Sample of letters of appointments of special envoy or ambassador

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