chura paypal to mpesa services

Reliable Instant Paypal to Mpesa Withdrawal Service in Kenya

Paypal is Kenya’s top most used money transfer platform by online Freelancers in Kenya. As the post will illustrate, you only need an email address and Mpesa account and you are done.

Paypal to Mpesa online Payment in Kenya
Paypal to Mpesa online Payment in Kenya

Is it possible to withdraw money  online through Paypal in Kenya?

Yes it is.

How can I open/create a Paypal account in Kenya?

Visit PayPal website  ( and set up your account. This does not need much explanation. It should not be scaring you. If you managed to open a Facebook account you should also be able to open a PayPal account.

How do I verify my PayPal account?

You can receive money to your PayPal account even before your verify it. But you can’t withdraw money from your PayPal account to your bank account without verification.

To verify your PayPal account you need to have a master or visa card. You can check Equity Bank PayPal Account linking procedure.

How do I receive money from PayPal when my account is not verified?

This should not stress you. There are a number of people who will help in withdrawing your money from your PayPal account to your Mpesa instantly (in 5 minutes).

Where can I get reliable Kenya Paypal to Mpesa services?

The two most reliable websites based in Kenya that can help you transact money from Paypal to Mpesa and vice versa are Chura and Instantpesa. I have personally used these two websites and found them useful.

  •  This is my number one priority. Instant Pesa is owned by Robert a very reliable and trusted Freelancer in Kenya. The website contains a calculator that enables you  to calculate how much money you will receive in Your Mpesa from Your Paypal account before transacting. Robert can easily be reached through  Safaricom number:
  • Chura is an online money service that was founded by Njogu Kinyajui, Bryan Sitawa, Jack Kinga, Stephanie Gaku and Samuel Njuguna. Apart from Paypal transactions Chura offers online airtime and data bundles purchase and sell services. Their official contact number is: +254704981897

UPDATE: By March 23 2017 Chura had temporary discontinued its  paypal to mpesa services, be sure to confirm with them if they services are back before you do any paypal transaction. also discontinued its paypal to mpesa services.

Recommendation: The best remaining option is to link your paypal account to mpesa and withdraw directly from mpesa to paypal (Learn how  paypal to mpesa works).

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One response

  1. nyangori Avatar

    have try to withdraw money from PayPal to mpesa but they write , Oops withdraw could not be completed

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