Embu.go.ke Contacts and Overview

Embu County, in eastern Kenya, is well-known for its beautiful greenery, agricultural productivity, and rich cultural legacy. The county's abundant soils and favorable climate make it ideal for agriculture. Embu County's principal income crops are coffee, tea, macadamia, and miraa, while its primary food crops are maize, beans, cowpeas, greengrams, bananas, sorghum, tomatoes, pawpaw, avocado, and citrus fruits. Embu Town is the county's administrative and commercial center, and it is well connected to the rest of Kenya via road networks. Although the county is named after the indigenous Aembu people, it is home to other tribes, including Mbeere, Kamba, and Kikuyu.

Website: Embu.go.ke

Embu.go.ke Contacts

  • Email: info@embu.go.ke
  • Phone: +254 703 192 924

Embu.go.ke Ownership

  • Founded:
  • Founder (or Owner): Embu County Government
  • Ownership: Government

Embu.go.ke on Social Media

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbuCountyGov
  • Twitter:

Embu.go.ke Location

  • City:
  • Country: Kenya

Tool Category: Top County Government Websites in Kenya

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