Nyandarua.go.ke Contacts and Overview

Nyandarua County is located in the central region of Kenya. The county mostly relies on farming, agroforestry, tourism, and trade for its economy. The climate of Nyandarua County is mainly moderate and temperate, with temperatures fluctuating according to altitude. Due to its excellent soils and favorable environment, agriculture is the backbone of Nyandarua's economy. The County is known as Kenya's food basket due to its extensive horticulture, floriculture, and milk production for local and global markets. Nyandarua County is well-known for its diverse tourism destinations, which draw both local and foreign visitors. This includes Aberdare National Park, Mount Kipipiri, Lake Ol Bolossat, Kinangop Plateau, and the Elephant Hill Hiking Trail.

Website: Nyandarua.go.ke

Nyandarua.go.ke Contacts

  • Email: info@nyandarua.go.ke
  • Phone: (+254) 020 2660859

Nyandarua.go.ke Ownership

  • Founded:
  • Founder (or Owner): Nyandarua County Government
  • Ownership: Government

Nyandarua.go.ke on Social Media

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nyandaruacountygovernment/
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/NyandaruaCG018

Nyandarua.go.ke Location

  • City:
  • Country: Kenya

Tool Category: Top County Government Websites in Kenya

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