Water.go.ke Contacts and Overview

The Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation works to improve the sustainable management of water resources, provide better water and sewerage services, promote and support integrated water resource management to increase water availability and accessibility and improve land utilization through irrigation and land reclamation, among other things.

Website: Water.go.ke

Water.go.ke Contacts

  • Email: ps@water.go.ke
  • Phone: +254 020 2716103

Water.go.ke Ownership

  • Founded:
  • Founder (or Owner): Government of Kenya
  • Ownership: Government

Water.go.ke on Social Media

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/MINWATERSANITATION
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/minwater_sani

Water.go.ke Location

  • City: Nairobi
  • Country: Kenya

Tool Category: Top Government Ministries Websites

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