how to preparing Uji (Fermented millet Porridge) and Recipe

Procedure of cooking Uji (Fermented millet Porridge): Recipe



Most Kenyans have enjoyed fermented porridge at one time in their life. The meal is child friendly and a great nutritional options to sick people. Below is a procedure of how to prepare Uji.

how to preparing Uji (Fermented millet Porridge) and Recipe
how to preparing Uji (Fermented millet Porridge) and Recipe/Photo


Ingredients of of cooking Uji


  • ½ a cup of millet flour
  • Water
  • Sugar to taste ( Optional)
  • 1 teaspoonful of butter (optional)

Procedure of preparing Uji

  • Pour the millet flour in a large container with a fitting lid and add two cups of water as you mix well to form a slightly thick consistent paste. Cover with the lid and place in a dry place for 2 days to ferment.
  • You can now remove the top layer that would have formed, stir and set the mixture aside.
  • In a sufuria pour in two large cups of water and bring to a boil.
  • Pour in the fermented mixture bit by bit as you mix until you get a slightly thin consistent mixture.
  • Place the fermented mixture aside and continue mixing the uji in a circular motion until you see bubbles.
  • Add butter and sugar and let boil for 3 more minute.
  • Remove from heat and pour into a thermos flask or container of your choice.

Your porridge is now ready and you can have it with a snack of your choice or plain. Enjoy


Do not miss all our Uji Recipes

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One response

  1. Grace Miller Avatar
    Grace Miller

    Thank you, Doris, for the recipe.

    I forgot to tip out the top layer after fermenting and before cooking the millet. What is the difference that it would make please, to tip out the top layer?

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