how to cook Fried Egg Rice meal and kenyan recipe

Procedure of cooking Fried Egg Rice meal: Kenyan recipe



Recipe: Fried egg rice is a delicacy readily available in most Kenyan Motels and restaurants. The mouthwatering meal can also be prepared at home. Here is how to make this sumptuous meal part of your holiday adventure.

how to cook Fried Egg Rice meal and kenyan recipe
how to cook Fried Egg Rice meal and kenyan recipe/Photo


Ingredients of cooking Fried Egg Rice meal


  1. 3 cups of cooked and cooled rice.
  2. 3 eggs(fried and crumbled)
  3. 1 large onion chopped
  4. 1 large carrot cubed
  5. 4 gloves of garlic chopped
  6. 1 large Bella pepper cubed
  7. 2 spoonfuls of soy sauce
  8. 3 spoonfuls of cooking oil/olive oil


Procedure of cooking Fried Egg Rice meal 

  • Place a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and add the cooking oil or olive oil.
  • Pour chopped onions and stir for 2 minutes. Add garlic and continue stirring for a while.
  • Add Bella pepper and carrots and toss. Let cook for 2 more minutes.
  • Add cooked rice to the vegetable mixture and stir well.
  • Sprinkle some soy sauce and mix gently. Then add the eggs and continue mixing over low heat.
  • Let cook for 3 more minutes and remove from heat.

Your fried egg rice is now ready and can be served with a sauce of your choice. Enjoy


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