how to cook Coconut chicken curry and Kenyan Recipe

Procedure of cooking Coconut chicken curry: Kenyan Recipe



Recipe: Chicken is a meal much appreciated by most Kenyans. Below is a procedure on how to cook Coconut chicken curry.

how to cook Coconut chicken curry and Kenyan Recipe
how to cook Coconut chicken curry and Kenyan Recipe/Photo


Ingredients of cooking Coconut chicken curry


  1. 1 kg chicken cut into desired pieces
  2. 1 spoonful of curry powder
  3. 1 spoonful of soy sauce
  4. 1 large onion finely chopped
  5. 4 gloves of garlic grated
  6. 1 Cupful of coconut milk
  7. 4 large ripe tomatoes grated (puree)
  8. 1 spoonful of cimmin seeds
  9. 3 spoonfuls of cooking oil
  10. Salt to taste

Procedure of cooking Coconut chicken curry

  • Place your cummin seeds into a large Sufuria or saucepan and add cooking oil. Place over medium heat and fry for 3 minutes.
  • Add the onions and stir for 2 more minutes then add garlic and continue frying until golden brown.
  • Add curry powder to the mixture and stir for 2 minutes.
  • Gently pour in the tomatoe puree and mix gently to almost a boil.
  • Add soy sauce and stir well until everything blends in well.
  • You can now add coconut milk bit by bit as you stir to ensure it blends in well to form a smooth sauce.(If you don’t have coconut milk, you can use coconut powder mixed with water)
  • Sprinkle some salt over the mixture and mix. Bring to a boil for about 2 minutes.
  • Add the chicken pieces one by one as you mix to ensure everything is covered up.
  • Simmer for 1 hour or until the chicken softens.

Your chicken curry is now ready and can be served hot with ugali, Chapati or rice. Enjoy!


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One response

  1. Jacqueline Avatar

    Can I use chicken breast instead?

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