Procedure of how to cook Chapati, Kenyan Recipe

Procedure of how to cook Chapati: Kenyan Recipe



Chapati Recipe: The most amazing thing about Kenyans is their ability to play their way around in the kitchen.The love for pumpkin chapatis have been on the rise and you definitely don’t want to be left behind.Here is how to go about it;

UPDATE: Here is an updated post on how to cook chapati

Procedure of how to cook Chapati, Kenyan Recipe
Procedure of how to cook Chapati, Kenyan Recipe/Photo


  1. 1/2 a bowl of pumpkin puree( boiled pumpkin smashed and mixed with warm water?
  2. 4 cups of all purpose baking flour
  3. Salt to taste
  4. 2 cups of Warm water
  5. Cooking oil.
  6. 1 teaspoonful of sugar


  • Pour the baking flour into a large bowl and add sugar,salt,two spoonfuls of cooking oil and pumpkin puree and knead until you achieve a smooth tender dough.
  • Cover the dough and let it rest for about 30 minutes or atleast 20 minutes.
  • Roll the dough into a large chapati using a rolling stick and smear some cooking oil.
  • Roll the big chapati into a long shape and then make coil shapes.
  • Place the coil shapes on your work table and roll them into flat round shapes.
  • Place a non-stick frying pan on medium heat and add some oil.
  • Place the rolled chapati and let it turn golden before turning over the other side.Add oil as needed to achieve best results.Remove from heat and place in a hotpot or your preferred storage container
  • Continue the process untill all the dough is finished.
  • You can now serve your chapati hot with a stew of choice.

Chapatis can be served with beef stew,chicken stew or as part of breakfast/snacking with tea and coffee.

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