National Super Alliance party (NASA) Kenya, Presidential flag bearer candidate

NASA coalition party in Kenya: Presidential flag bearer candidate name-National Super Alliance



National Super Alliance (NASA) party brings together key political principals Raila Odinga (ODM),Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper) Moses Wetangula (Ford Kenya), Musalia Mudavadi (NAC) and Isaac Ruto (CCM). Out of the first four, one is expected to be named the carry the NASA presidential ticket ahead of Kenya’s August 2017  general elections. (UPDATE: NASA will announce its presidential flag bearer on Thursday 27th  April 2017 in Uhuru Park)



National Super Alliance party (NASA) Kenya, Presidential flag bearer candidate
National Super Alliance party (NASA) Kenya, Presidential flag bearer candidate: Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Moses Wetangula and Musalia Mudavadi/Photo

According to a statement released by James  Orengo, the announcement of who will be the NASA party presidential candidate is expected to be made today (Thursday 20th April 2017) in Bomas of Kenya. We will update here once they name their flag bearer but for the moment lets look at who stands high chance.  


Raila Odinga as NASA party presidential candidate   Raila Odinga is the most senior person in NASA. He is the supreme opposition leader and heads Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) the largest single political party in Kenya. Raila Odinga stands 70% chance of being named the presidential candidate because he has a large following. However, many argue that he has contested three times and failed and therefore he should leave room for another principal. Some also argue that Raila has more enemies than any of the three NASA party principals.  


Kalonzo Musyoka as NASA party presidential candidate  


Kalonzo Musyoka has the second chance of being named the NASA coalition party presidential candidate. However,  he comes with some challenges. He commands an insignificant following and would need a full support of Raila Odinga for him to beat the Jubilee party candidate who is Uhuru Kenyatta .


Musalia Mudavadi as NASA party presidential candidate  

Musalia Mudavadi comes third in chances of being named to carry the NASA party ticket. He is considered to be calm and may attract votes from disgruntled Jubilee supporters who may not vote for Raila. But the again, he has no numbers. He has to be fully endorsed, financed and supported by Raila Odinga for him to have any chance of winning the August 2017 general elections. [irp posts=”22426″ name=”Jubilee Party Nominations dates: Change of schedules in Counties primaries”] Do not miss our latest political updates in Kenya about the National Super Alliance party NASA and their headache to chose a presidential candidate.

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