ODM party Kisii county nomination results winner, primaries

Kisii County ODM nominations results, 2017: Primaries Winners



Kisii County ODM Nominations were conducted on Thursday 20th April 2017, and we will be updating the winners and losers once the returning officer releases them.

ODM party Kisii county nomination results winner, primaries
ODM party Kisii county nomination results winner, primaries/Photo

Kisii County has 9 constituencies (Bobasi Constituency, Bonchari Constituency, Bomachoge Borabu Constituency, Bomachoge Chache Constituency, Kitutu Chache North Constituency, Kitutu Chache South Constituency, Nyaribari Chache Constituency, Nyaribari Masaba Constituency and South Mugirango Constituency) and is perceived to be an ODM stronghold according to the 2013 presidential elections results where Raila Odinga received more votes than Uhuru.

According to ODM NEB rules, Polling centers are expected to open by 6:00 am when voting will begin and close by 5:00 pm and thereafter tallying of votes will begin.

NOTE: Kindly note  that we will update the winners below once the results are officially announced and after tallying.


ODM Nominations for member of parliament (MP) Kisii County candidates

Bonchari Constituency ODM nominations aspirants

  • David Ogega Oyugi
  • John Ooro Oyioka
  • John Billy Momanyi

South Mugirango Constituency ODM nominations aspirants

  • Silvanus Osoro Onyiego
  • Joshua John Ondora
  • Zablon Rashid Minyonga
  • Philip Nyange Maobe Magufuli

Bomachoge Borabu Constituency ODM nominations aspirants

  • Jason Ondabu
  • Lameck Onyinkwa Mokua
  • Josiah Onkundi Maaga
  • Peter Kimori Maranga
  • Zadoc Abel Ogutu

Bomachoge Chache Constituency ODM nominations aspirants

  • Jeremiah Matoke Nyangwara
  • Edward Nyangau Mauti
  • Job Nyangenya Omanga
  • Amos Andama Nyamoko
  • Silas Omagwa Ayunga

Kitutu Chache North Constituency ODM nominations aspirants

  • Victor Ontiri Kegonchiri
  • Julius Migos Ogamba
  • Kombo Elijah Ogaro
  • Evans Nyakundi Nyangau

Kitutu Chache South Constituency ODM nominations aspirants

  • Richard Momoima Onyonka
  • Samwel Kenani Omwando
  • Antoney Kibagendi

[irp posts=”22327″ name=”IEBC March 2013 general elections complete data report: Voters, Aspirants, Parties, Polling”]
Do not  miss all our  latest update on Kisii County ODM nomination results of winners once they are announced and independent electoral boundaries commission (IEBC) news.

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