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Moi University Press statement concerning the death of Charity Maina



On Sunday 22nd February, 2015 at 6.00 am the body of a 3rd Year female student, was found near a privately rental hostel where she has been staying.

The police was informed of the unfortunate event and they arrived at the scene at 8.00 am. Two suspects have been arrested and are helping the police with the investigations. The student was a 3rd year in the School of Arts and Social Sciences, pursuing Bachelor   of Arts with Education.

Prof. Richard K. Mibey Vice Chancellor Moi University
Prof. Richard K. Mibey Vice Chancellor Moi University

The police tried to remove the body but were blocked by students who were demonstrating and had blocked all University roads, and after a while the body was taken to the mortuary. Parents have been informed of the incident.

The university have liaised with the County Security Officers to ensure there is maximum security in the university and surrounding areas .Students are now calm, awaiting the outcome of the investigations.


On behalf of the University fraternity, I take the earliest opportunity to send condolence to the parents, relatives, friends and students for this great unfortunate loss. We look forward to speedy conclusion of the investigations for the culprits to face the full force of law.



This press statement concerning the death of Charity Maina and subsequent demonstrations in Moi university main campus was released on 23 February 2015 and first appeared here

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