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HELB to introduce clearance certificates in a bid to raise more than ksh. 50 million from jobseekers



In an article that was first published on the Business Daily on the 23rd of February 2015, jobseekers will now be required to have HELB clearance certificate for them to be employed. This is aimed at reducing loan defaults which are now estimated to be Sh8.3 billion.

According to the proposal, The HELB clearance certificate will cost jobseekers ksh. 1000 and this will be a mandatory requirement for all jobseekers, whether one was a beneficiary of HELB or not. This therefore means that HELB will raise more than 50 million shillings from about 50,000 students who graduate annually.

Charles Ringear-HELB CEO
Charles Ringear-HELB CEO

Some of the questions raised by graduates concerning the HELB clearance certificate proposal are;

Why do I have to pay ksh. 1000 to get HELB clearance certificate and I did not benefit from HELB?

Why can’t HELB let us download the clearance certificate form online and print it for free because they will not account for the printing charges?


Public and private companies will also be fined ksh. 3,000 per month if they employ an individual who has not acquired the HELB clearance certificate. This is meant to strengthen the measure of having the HELB clearance certificate before being employed.

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