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Kenyayote Young entrepreneur focus is on Martha Chumo who is the founder of a Tech school: The Dev School

Kenyayote Young entrepreneur focus this week goes to Martha. Martha Chumo is the founder of The Dev School. The The Dev School equips youths in Africa with computer programming skills and aids them build technology-based solutions to everyday challenges.

Martha Chumo established The Dev School in 2012 after she was denied a visa to US. The Dev School offers open courses, coding clubs in public schools in Kenya, tech camp for kids, app development and web design.

Martha Chumo Founder of The The Dev School
Martha Chumo Founder of The The Dev School


She has been featured on CNN, BBC News, UNESCO, MADISON RUBY among other top companies for his outstanding job.

The aim of Martha Chumo establishing the Dev School is to give every young person in Africa the opportunity to learn how to code.



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