making money online on facebook in kenya

Making Money Online in Kenya on Facebook in 2024

This is a brief guide on how to make money online in Kenya using Facebook.

making money online on facebook in kenya
A guide on how to make making money online using Facebook in Kenya/Photo

Important!: This post contains information that is outdated. For a current post with detailed information check, facebook content monetization.

Making Money Through Facebook in 2024

Facebook is one of the best platforms for generating money online. Some of the best ways of making money online using Facebook are;

Facebook Sponsored Posts

Facebook sponsoring is ideal when you have a lot of followers so for instance if you have

100,000 likes or followers you might consider doing some sponsored posts which is basically sharing a post from your advertiser or partner on your page.

Sharing Referral Links on Facebook

You can search online for companies in Kenya that pay through referrals or affiliates. Register with such sites and use your Facebook page to refer friends to your referral links. A page that has 10,000 likes can generate about $ 15  a day through referrals ( is one of those Kenyan sires that pay through referrals)

Sharing Your Blog Posts on Facebook for Traffic

After your page has attained a number of likes, create a blog and search for companies that pay for advertising like Adsense, Medianet, Ezoic, etc. Add the advertising platforms to your blog then share your posts on Facebook. The higher the number of likes your page has the higher the traffic to your page and the higher your earnings.

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