better living, New Year Resolutions for 2018

General Ideas on Realistic New Year Resolutions for 2024



Going by the exchanges people are having after usual ‘happy new year’ greetings, it is obvious that 2023 was not the greatest of years for many Kenyans.

While we may not be in control of factors that affect us on a national scale, there are a few personal choices that made 2024 a train-wreck we would want to quickly put behind us.

New Year Resolutions for 2018
Our life choices directly impact our well-being. Photo: Courtesy

So what’s on your cards for a better 2024? Here are some general ideas to get you started on drawing a realistic list of New Year resolutions.

Personal Development

Everyone yearns for a better version of themselves but few ever get to the elusive pinnacle of self-actualization.

Becoming a better you is not something you will achieve overnight. It is a long-term process that requires setting realistic goals and having the patience to tick one at a time off the list.

Some goals you can set include furthering your education, learning new skills, applying for a higher position in your job, improving living standards among others.


It is no secret that how you manage your finances has a tremendous impact on your well-being.

The first step to better financial management is to spend less than you earn.

Next, you need to create a monthly and/or yearly budget to ensure you don’t stray outside your means.

You then need to proportionately allocate your earnings using the 20/30/50 rule.

At least 20 percent of your earnings should go paying off debts and savings.

30 percent to lifestyle spending (movies, dates and other non-basic necessities).

50 percent should go to basics such as food, housing, bills, clothing and commuting.

Finally, you need to create a calendar to help you meet financial obligations such as taxes, rent and remittances in a timely manner.

Your Love Life

We are social creatures and our attachment to others is core to our humanity.

Finding the perfect match or nurturing an existing romantic relationship has a positive impact on our overall well-being.

You can improve your chances of having a meaningful romantic relationship by embracing some basic and tested dating rules.

These include: appreciating your significant other, expressing yourself better, voicing grievances respectably and spending quality time together.

Keep Health

Our state of health directly impacts virtually all spheres of our existence. It is therefore prudent to make better health choices for overall better living.

Some areas you need to focus on are diet, exercise and sleep.

You need to eat more vegetables and fruits, drink adequate water and cut back on harmful substances like excess sugars, smoking and alcohol.

Regular physical activity is vital in boosting circulation, keeping our bodies fit and warding off infections.

Getting enough sleep has a host of benefits including better mental health, body rejuvenation and an improved immune system.

Our Environment

We tend to forget that we are stewards of the environment and need to include it on our lists of things that need attention.

Neglecting the environment has a host of negative consequences, some of which we are already experiencing (such as global warming).

This year (2020), make a conscious effort to opt for environment-friendly choices such as using solar and other clean energies, building using green materials and disposing waste responsibly.

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