KUCCPS 2019 Placement, Second Revision of Courses Deadline and Dates

KUCCPS 2019 Placement: Second Revision of Courses Deadline and Dates



Get to learn of the KUCCPS 2019 placement and second revision of courses deadline and dates. First revision came to an end however over 22,957 were not placed.

KUCCPS 2019 Placement, Second Revision of Courses Deadline and Dates
Learn about KUCCPS 2019 Placement, Second Revision of Courses Deadline and Dates/Photo

KUCCPS 2019 placement after first revision of courses

To learn whether your 2019 first revision application was successful download the list of students who have not been placed from this page. If your name is not listed there, then it means your first revision of courses went through successfully and is being processed. You will be notified which courses you have been selected to do after the second revision of courses and placement is over.

KUCCPS 2019 Second revision of courses deadline an dates

If your name is among those students who were not placed then you are supposed to do second revision of courses. Second revision of courses begins on date 15th March to 22nd March 2019. Be sure to select courses that have not been filled when doing your revision.

How do I do second revision of courses?

To learn how to do revision of courses. Follow the procedure provided in this page: How to revise courses.

Be sure to select courses that you meet the requirements. Even if you did you courses application in school, you must do second revision if you have not been placed after first revision


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4 responses

  1. dickon Avatar

    I was not having some money to pay for the fee bat I got the cash today , after roll I have tried to apply may courses bat the system didn’t accept my request “I dot know want to now”please can someone help me with this of me?


    helloo am have not apply for the first time, can I be able to apply now? Please assist me.

  3. jenniffer mukena Avatar
    jenniffer mukena

    Had applied for my son and is among the 2nd revision. Have learnt about it after the deadline. how can i be assisted. Thanks

  4. kang'oo brian muuo Avatar
    kang’oo brian muuo

    surely i did not get to know when the second revision was on and my name is among the students who were not placed after the first revision …can you please help me

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