Babu Owino with the late OCS Ragira Samwel's daughter Talia when he visited his home

Babu Owino: I will support OCS Ragira’s family and pay for funeral expenses



Former University of Nairobi renowned student leader and now Embakasi East Member of Parliament (MP), Babu Owino, has promised to offset all funeral expenses and support the widow of OCS Ragira Samwel who was murdered in the evening of 14th Thursday March 2019.

Babu Owino with the late OCS Ragira Samwel's daughter Talia when he visited his home
Embakasi East MP, hon Babu Owino with the late Ragira Samwel’s daughter, Talia, when he visited his home/Photo

Babu Owino’s statement after visiting Ragira’s Widow and Family

“I was deeply saddened to learn of the brutal murder of my friend and comrade Samuel Ragira at the hands of thugs on Thursday evening. I condemn this senseless killing in the strongest of terms possible and I call upon the Kenya Police Service to assure comrades of their security against these criminal elements invading their learning space.

Today, I went to pay my last respects to the fallen comrade at the Chiromo Mortuary alongside the greater University of Nairobi fraternity and in the spirit of comradeship, I commit to offset all funeral expenses.

Thereafter, I visited his home where I assured his widow Yvonne of our continued support. After the dust has settled, I pledge to empower her to start a business to enable her raise their daughter Talia as her departed father would have wanted.

From the late Ragira’s home, I visited the Directorate of Criminal Investigations Headquarters on Kiambu Road to follow up on the state of investigations. I met with senior DCI officials who assured me that they are on top of things and will soon bring those responsible to book.

I assure all comrades that I will not tire until Ragira’s killers answer for their actions!”

Comrade Babu Owino,
MP, Embakasi East and Leader, Youth For Africa Movement.

Saturday, March 16, 2019.


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