KNBS Census 2019 Shortlisted Candidates for Enumerator positions and Interviews dates

KNBS Census 2019 Shortlisted Candidates, Interviews for Enumerators

KNBS has released a list of shortlisted candidates for Census 2019. Date of interviews for Enumerators, ICT and Content supervisors have also been set as indicated below this post.

How to get List of KNBS Shortlisted Candidates

The list of shortlisted candidates by KNBS  can only be accessed by visiting where you submitted your application letter for instance, those  who applied for Enumerators should visit the sub chief’s office where the list has been pinned. Shortlisting of candidates in various regions is ongoing till 14th July.

If you applied for Content Supervisor, visit your chief’s office where you will find the list pinned .

NOTE: Content Supervisor list has been published at the Chief’s Office

Role of KNBS Enumerators

The two key roles of Enumerators for the 2019 census job will be to visit households for the enumeration exercise, ask questions and record the Responses. That is why you are required to be conversant with the local dialect.

KNBS Interview Dates, Possible Questions and Requirements

KNBS Interviews will take place from 5th to 14th July 2019. After interviews, successful candidates will start Training from 15th July 2019 to 21st August 2019.  Training will start with ICT supervisors who will then train Content supervisors who will in turn train Enumerators.

Two key requirements before the interview process for Enumerators are;

  • National ID or Birth Certificate
  • Original Academic Certificates

Possible KNBS Interview Questions for Enumerators;

  • You should be able to speak the local language where you applied the job. That is the language that people in that locality. For those who applied to work in Nairobi, if you can speak Kiswahili and English you are good to go.
  • You should be able to understand your Geographical Location areas  by names (in your county)
  • You should know your area leaders by name
  • You should be able to operate a computer or at least a smartphone.
  • Your will be asked about details in your National ID
  • You will be asked about your origin and where your name came from


Do not miss all our latest updates on KNBS Shortlisted candidates and interview dates

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69 responses

  1. Martin mutuku Avatar
    Martin mutuku

    is list of enumerators out

  2. Mugah Avatar

    is the enumerator list out in s.kasipul sub.county in homa bay am so worried about it

  3. antonie Avatar

    Am so disappointed… Its like taking a person to prison when he/she needs education

  4. edwun Avatar

    the exercise was nonsense…they called it a job for the jobless the interview you find even should have been clear that no civil servant should apply!!!

  5. Nicholas ruku Avatar
    Nicholas ruku

    Kisumu county enumerators list please

  6. Kemboi Apollo Avatar
    Kemboi Apollo

    Its only Gods favour that reflects the truth in our country.we are carying our hearts on a transparent paper.

  7. Ruth Avatar
    Ruth i ask that the list be considered coz its like some chiefs who are given the chance to allocate the shortlisted candidates in the areas are replacing the names…..kindly make sure that there is no corruption

  8. Jacq Avatar

    waiting for the written interview results for enumerators Nairobi, Njiru sub county…ata Ka nmefail BT I wnt to know the results

  9. Domnic Otieno Avatar
    Domnic Otieno

    Nairobi county, we’ve not seen any list enyewe corruption at its best , census jobs were meant to be rendered to the youths to limit crime rates Waiguru aliwaambia , we get to scramble with employed fathers na wazee what’s that

  10. David Surum Avatar
    David Surum

    It never matters…,if you graduated you should have applied the one for supervisors, they are not looking for graduates in enumaratos just the form four certificate with a good grade

  11. Evans Avatar

    When are you releasing the results of the candidates who sat for the enumeration written exams??

  12. King Mozes K.E Avatar
    King Mozes K.E

    Mvita #Mombasa County 001 is the Most Fairness & Best Constituency in Offering Census 2019 Job in Kenya….. Most of the Enumerators and ict supervisors who had applied they have succeeded to get the Job Thank You Knbs-Census 2019 ….May God Bless You

  13. Kassim Avatar

    Corruption will never end, I don’t think how some persons dominate all the temporary jobs from the gov. Those who have money are mostly considered especially in enumeration. Otherwise it is very sad when unemployed youth are dinied those jobs in the expense of tsc teachers and other civil servants.

  14. Mercy Avatar

    Very sad that even the qualified ones are not considered

  15. Chichole benard Avatar
    Chichole benard

    Interviews in all location successful done in mumias east subcounty, waiting for results

  16. Phanice Avatar

    Shortlisted enumerators in nyamira County not yet out yet, we would like to go through the list by ourselves

  17. Vincent Obunga Avatar
    Vincent Obunga

    Please I need a list for ndhiwa sub county

  18. tilia Kana Avatar
    tilia Kana

    corruption corruption corruption corruption corruption corruption corruption uuuui I’m
    enough a a a a

  19. john Avatar

    corruption!!corruption!corruption!!!!!! corruption everywhere, every time and in everything.. very sad to those of us with so many papers but without `godfathers` ….. The govt of Kenya is overburdened with corruption….hao ma chiefs na assistants wao and the others are recycling old guards and retiring civil servants priorities!

    1. Evans Avatar

      In Kenya there shall be no credibility more so things that has to do with chief

  20. james kiarie Avatar
    james kiarie

    i have been going to subchief office to check fot shortlisted enumerators but up to now surely there is nothing posted. please help. i am in molo subcounty and i hoped the money for universty fees. i am totally confused what is going on.

  21. Jojo Avatar

    Point of correction. “Steals” not “stills”

  22. Deborah Avatar

    Has anybody seen shortlisted enumerators list

    1. guyo Avatar

      in Tana north sub county ,Tana river county corruption is more high,therefore they don’t consider qualifications they consider money and tribalism

  23. Hesbon Onoka Avatar
    Hesbon Onoka

    Has list for Rarieda sub county been published???

  24. Mary Avatar

    Have enumerators been shortlisted in narok county

  25. 0701316263 Avatar

    Rongo constituency shortlistings should be carried out a fresh. Corruption all over. Ati lipa 10,000 nd’o uwe shortlisted.
    Failure to comply,yu lose the opportunity. Wow to yu the corrupt leaders…………..

    1. susan odeny Avatar
      susan odeny

      That is corruption na mguu yake yote. They have their own Pple. As for me nobody should come to my door step to do those corrupt things. This job is supposed to be done by vijana not wazee when will the youth of this country benefit… Bure kabisa

    2. shadrack Avatar

      is the list out??

  26. kevin Avatar

    Why not in GEM and other counties and sub countie the shortlisting exercise is done

  27. prescy Avatar

    waiting for shortlisted enumerators list eagerly

    1. Aden Yussuf Duwane Avatar
      Aden Yussuf Duwane

      when will be shortlisted of enumerators job in dadaab sub county.

    2. Brian Avatar

      out already

    3. enoch kawembe Avatar
      enoch kawembe

      i dont know whats happenig imagn they say we will get an sms of which its full of corruption

  28. Ambani Reginald Avatar
    Ambani Reginald

    the KNBS is looking for personnel that can offer the best in terms of executing duties….no doubt teachers are good at this.Youths are reckless and with don’t care attitude…till you prove your credibility youth.

    1. Babu Avatar

      Do you mean there are no youthful teachers? and if they are there, are they reckless teachers?

    2. Gigi Vega Avatar
      Gigi Vega

      @ambani how does someone measure personality by the use of documents? The right documents are what gets you the job not being a teacher. The rest, are measured and natured during training after getting the job and if you fail you simply get cut off I’m guessing. So stop justifying corruption. It is wrong.

  29. anne Avatar

    in our area kakamega county there is much more corruption those who never finished form four have been given the enumerator position

  30. Eusilah maiyo Avatar
    Eusilah maiyo

    They have just selected there knowed people including those who didn’t qualify for the census job
    Turbo constituency

  31. Dan Avatar

    some chief don’t signs for application if you come from humble background?

  32. Deborah Nyanchama Asuma Avatar
    Deborah Nyanchama Asuma

    I think the this time round the exercise will be free and fair to all people, let the qualifications speak loud and loud

  33. kevoh Avatar

    when will the list be out?

  34. murry Avatar

    This is Kenya founder of corruption

  35. sephaniah Avatar

    Waiting for that list

  36. nash Avatar

    Corruption will never end ,,when a political leader stills a millions of money he/she cannot be jailed but when a normal citizen stills an egg he/she can be jailed , likewise to census and other job opportunities if you are known you are considered.

  37. Wilkista Night Juma Avatar
    Wilkista Night Juma

    Youth’s should be given an opportunity

  38. Felix Mbewa Avatar
    Felix Mbewa

    TEACHERS are always everywhere… why are they not giving a chance for the jobless youths yet they earn their monthly salary… this is why us youth we end up in theft and other misconduct cases.. i think government should consider the interest of youths

  39. Hildah Avatar

    It’s so sad that in my area same people are given chances whenever there is such an activity or similar to that
    Our leaders don’t even consider papers but money and relationship with the applicants
    It’s really sad people who qualified are denied a chance and given to those who corrupted
    When will this end??

  40. Shashyn Avatar

    Just seen that of Ict supervisors in Bungoma county

  41. okoh Clement Avatar
    okoh Clement

    I have gone to my assistant chief’s office several times but I have not seen anything! or they have given the positions to the teachers?

  42. Richard Avatar

    employing foreigners rather people of different sub location will derail the work of statistics in the position of content supervisor

  43. Wycliffe Maina Avatar
    Wycliffe Maina

    Youths should be considered those unemployed with qualifications but experience is Paramount,
    Kajiado central

    1. 50205 Avatar

      Is enumerators’ list out in bungoma county? webuye?

  44. Mary Avatar

    Corruption at it’s best. Imagine being a university graduate and not shortlisted as enumerator and form leavers are being shortlisted .

    1. alex Avatar

      its fair according to me, you would have gone for supervisor position

  45. Jose Jania Avatar
    Jose Jania

    It should just be done fairly. Do we have different dates of interviews per sub county???

  46. Dennis ondieki Avatar
    Dennis ondieki

    In kisii county that is Gucha, South they consider youths,

  47. Boniface perbo Avatar
    Boniface perbo

    have got a question here, are the enumerators going to be short listed before the interview? still do I think the same position should be rendered to the youths 100%

  48. Amina Avatar

    The shortlisted candidates should posted publicly or per county .people are digital nowdayz. Other counties should copy Kisumu county.

    1. Hildah Avatar

      I support you

  49. Salim Mohamed Malevi Avatar
    Salim Mohamed Malevi

    Enumerators shortlisted in KWALE county

  50. MUKENYA Avatar

    corruption is the food and drink our leaders are taking day in day out.They are drunk with corruption chiefs and subchiefs should be thorough investigated coz they are sms only their allies no List of the shortlisted candidates in most chief camps….

    1. Haron juma Avatar
      Haron juma

      I wish the government would do this online rather,,it could be better☹️☹️

  51. Eroo loe aberu Avatar
    Eroo loe aberu

    Why always Teachers wanapatikana kila mahali, census na ata kwa iebc.. Youth should be considered first , so tena wenye wako na Kazi. TEACHER SHOULD GO TO THEIR WORK.

    1. Chidi Avatar


    2. Becky Avatar

      Not every teacher is an employee of TSC.

  52. Bonface Avatar

    one man one job,youths be given the opportunity

  53. Abednego mwaka Avatar
    Abednego mwaka

    why some of area list of shortlisted is not out.

  54. Agnes Juma. Avatar
    Agnes Juma.

    How I wish they could consider youths first in Gem Sub County. I was really looking forward..

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