This is a draft of Kenya Budget 2019/2020 Allocation summary and full pdf of 201/ 20 budget

Kenya Budget 2019/2020 Summary Statement and FY full pdf report

Below is a summary statement of Kenya’s Budget for financial year 2019/2020 and attached full pdf. It was read in parliament on 13th June 2019 by Treasury CS Henry Rotich.

This is a draft of Kenya Budget 2019/2020 Allocation summary and full pdf of 201/ 20 budget
This Kenya Budget 2019/2020 Allocation summary and full pdf of 201/ 20 budget/Photo Source

Universal Health Coverage Allocation

Below are allocations for health sector;

  • Ksh 47.8 billion to activities and programmes geared towards universal health coverage
  • I have allocated Ksh 7.9billionfrom the Sports, Arts and Social Development Fund to fund the universal health care initiatives
  • Ksh 2.9 billion for Doctors/Clinical Officers/Nurses internship programme
  • Ksh 14.4 billion for Kenyatta National Hospital
  • Ksh 9.2 billion for Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital
  • Ksh 2.3 billion for Kenya Medical Research Institute
  • Ksh 7.4 billion for Kenya Medical Training Centres (KMTC)
  • 1.2 billion for Health Workers Internship Programme

Affordable Housing Allocation

  • Ksh 10.5 billion to cater for social housing and construction of affordable housing units, including housing Units for the Police and Kenya Prison
  • Ksh 2.3 billion for the Public Servants Housing Mortgage Scheme
  • Ksh 5.0 billion for the National Housing Development Fund
  • Manufacturing
  • Ksh 1.1 billion for the development of textile and leather industrial park, Naivasha Industrial Parkand Cotton Development subsidy
  • Ksh 0.4billion to Constituency Industrial Development Centers
  • Ksh 1.0 billion to modernize facilities in Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI)

Food and Nutrition Security Allocation

  • Ksh 2.0 billion for the National Value Chain Support Programme
  • Ksh 3.0 billion for setting up the Coffee Cherry Revolving Fund
  • Ksh 2.1 billion debt for cane deliveries to public mills
  • Ksh 1.0 billion for crop diversification
  • Ksh 0.8 billion for the rehabilitation of Fish Landing Sites
  • Ksh 0.7billionfor small-holder dairy commercialization.
  • Ksh 7.9 billion for ongoing irrigation projects

Critical Infrastructure Allocation

  • Ksh 180.9billionforon-going roads construction projects
  • Ksh 55.8 billion for the completion of Phase 2A of the SGR
  • Ksh 11.0 billion for the LAPSSET Project
  • Ksh 7.2 billion for the Mombasa Port Development Project
  • Ksh 8.6 billion for the geothermal Development
  • Ksh61.2billionfor power transmission and distribution
  • Ksh 4.5 billion for electrification of public institutions
  • Ksh 5.5 billion for Last Mile Connectivity
  • Ksh 1.3 billion for Connectivity Subsidy
  • Ksh 1.0 billion for street lightning
  • Ksh 1.5 billion for transformers in our constituencies

Education Sector Allocation

  • Ksh 55.4 billion is allocated to cater for Free Day Secondary Education Programme
  • Ksh 13.4 billion for Free Primary Education Programme
  • Ksh 3.2billionfor the recruitment of additional teachers
  • Ksh 1.5 billion for primary and secondary school infrastructure
  • Ksh 10.3 billion for tuition and tools support to vocational training
  • Ksh 6.8 billion for the construction and equipping of technical institutions
  • Ksh 4.0billionfor examinations fee waiver for all class eight and form four candidates
  • sh4.0 billion for NHIF Insurance for secondary school students
  • Ksh 97.7 billion to support University Education
  • Ksh 12.6 billion to the Higher Education Loans Board

Summary of Other allocations

Ksh 10.9 billion for verified pending bills which will be paid before end of this month (June 2019)

Online workers registered with Ajira as members to be exempted from tax and pay ksh. 10,000 per

County Government allocations: Ksh 371.6 billion

Ksh 450.9 billion to the “Big Four” Plan drivers and their enabling sectors

NOTE: For the complete pdf speech download: Budget statement, 13th June 2019


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