kalonzo musyoka website

Kalonzo Musyoka Official website www.kalonzomusyoka.co.ke



 www.kalonzomusyoka.co.ke is the official Kalonzo Musyoka website

kalonzo musyoka website
Screenshot of Kalonzo Musyoka’s website

CORD principle and Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka launched his official website ahead of the 2017 presidential elections with a tagline of “The New Dream”. The launch of the website comes shortly after Raila Odinga launched his.

In attendance of the launch of the website were Raila Odinga, Moses Wetangula and other members of parliament.


Pages of Kalonzo Musyoka website include home page, about, donations and media section.  The website appears to be unresponsive as some sliders do not respond upon clicking. Its load speed is also too slow. However, it is a good start.


To view official Kalonzo Musyoka page visit here www.kalonzomusyoka.co.ke

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