Hillary Clinton on president Uhuru Kenyatta campaign teams Cambridge Analytica

Hillary Clinton speaks on president Uhuru Kenyatta campaign team and rigging claims



Hillary Clinton who was a presidential candidate in the 2016 US presidential elections has for the first time come into public to reveal what happened in her campaign and how she lost. In an interview with Terry Gross of NPR radio, Hillary Clinton reveals how Russia interfered with 2016 elections infavor of Donald Trumph and says that she is willing to revisit the matter if given an opportunity. Hillary Clinton seems to take comfort in the Supreme Court Ruling in Kenya that cancelled President Uhuru Kenyatta’s win.

Hillary Clinton on president Uhuru Kenyatta campaign teams Cambridge Analytica
Hillary Clinton on president Uhuru Kenyatta campaign teams Cambridge Analytica/Photo



Hillary Clinton on president Uhuru Kenyatta’s campaign team Cambridge Analytica


Interestingly, in the interview, Hillary Clinton indicates that Cambridge Analytica that helped bring her down also took part in the just concluded Kenyan 8th August presidential elections that were cancelled. She says,
You know, the Kenya election was just overturned and really what’s interesting about that — and I hope somebody writes about it, Terry — the Kenyan election was also a project of Cambridge Analytica, the data company owned by the Mercer family that was instrumental in the Brexit vote.

And so we know that there was this connection. So what happened in Kenya, which I’m only beginning to delve into, is that the Supreme Court there said there are so many really unanswered and problematic questions, we’re going to throw the election out and redo it. We have no such provision in our country. And usually we don’t need it.”

BBC reported that Uhuru Kenyatta hired Cambridge Analytica to help him in campaigning. The same company  was also part of Donald Trump’s campaign team.

The company is also being investigated in the UK .

Video Excerpt  of Hillary Clinton Interview speaking of Kenyan Elections



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