How to turn your balcony into a little garden

How to turn your balcony into a little garden



Has it ever occurred to you that you could get that fresh farm produce you crave for at your door step? Yes you can and at minimal cost.You actually don’t need much space, that balcony at your beautiful home is more than enough. Interested? Here we go.


Get old plastic containers/sacks

That broken bucket or basin that you are aching to throw way could be of use to you. Gather two or more of those and set aside. Or you could use old cement sacks. If you don’t have any, you can purchase a few;they are normally not expensive.Once you have enough gathered, drill holes through them and store.

Get soil

Not any kind of soil, but fertile soil. You can borrow this from a farm near you or better yet get it from your trip upcountry.Once you get that soil. Fill your sacks and containers with it to a level of your choice. But not too shallow. Should be able to accommodate the roots. Arrange them beautifully on your balcony.

Plant your seedlings

Now that your little farm is set, purchase quality seedlings of whatever you want to plant. I have seen people plant Kales, Spinach, tomatoes,coriander and much more. Water the soil and add a little fertilizer. Now plant your seedlings. Make sure to water them every day and you will soon be reaping from your own backyard.You might also need to spray some insecticides once in a while.

Who knows, maybe with time you might decide to expand and be a supplier to your neighbours.It’s the conceptualization of an idea that matters.

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