Get and Keep Long-Term Freelance Clients the easy way

How to Get and Keep Long-Term Freelance Clients



One of the best moments in any writer’s career is finding a client with long term work and who offers great pay. This article will guide you on how to get and keep freelance clients.

Get and Keep Long-Term Freelance Clients the easy way
Get and Keep Long-Term Freelance Clients the easy way/Photo


Under promise and over deliver


When you land a good client that you would like to keep, it is always best to under promise and over deliver. Promise them that you will deliver 5 articles in 2 days, knowing very well that you can deliver the work in half the time. Then at least 12 hours before the work is due, send it to them. The extra time also helps give an allowance for uncontrollable circumstances such as power cuts. The client is likely to retain you once they realize that you always deliver good work within the given time frame.


Quality over quantity


Do not rush to offer to write ten 500 word articles in one day and end up delivering articles with only 2 of them with useful content. Unseasoned writers tend to think that the more they are able to deliver, the happier the client will be. But in reality, clients appreciate work that is of excellent quality. When you deliver articles of quality, the client will not only like your work, but they are more likely to retain you as a writer of theirs. Which would you prefer? Delivering 50 articles in two weeks at $5 per article or delivering 20 articles every month at $15 per article?


Offer Suggestions


Your client will appreciate it when you take the initiative to offer suggestions on improving the content on his site that will lead to increased sales and followers. When you take such an initiative, it shows that you are not just thinking about what you can earn out of it, but how you can help their business grow. You’re making it less about yourself and more about them.

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