making money online earnings

3 jobs that you can do from your room and make more than 30k monthly from personal experience

In Campus, you have to learn to live the hard way. If you are among the few lucky ones who receive HELB then it means budgeting how to spend ksh. 16,000 in 4 months. The bitter truth of the matter is that some parents abandon paying school fees for their children with the thought that HELB money is enough to cater for their expenses and fee.


There is also what you need to do out of study which calls for spending quite a lot of money. Right from attending parties to going out with friends. For boys, it is worse because you have to do all you can to impress your lady which also demands for more money.

So what are the best jobs that can help one raise money in campus while studying? Before I give you a list of the 3 jobs, read my free 24 page book that I published on kenyayote (campus hustle: making money online here)

3 proven ways of generating income online while studying with evidence;

1. Academic Writing

It involves conducting a research on a given topic. If you want to be an Academic writer or content writer, you must be familiar with academic writing styles.

In order to get an academic writing job you need to apply and do a simple test to be allowed to be a writer for an individual or a writing company. Some of the best academic writing companies that offer jobs to writers that I have personally used include:

  • – It is a Kenyan website. Their payment ranges from ksh. 240-ksh. 1600 per page. Payment is through M-pesa or bank.
  • – they pay from khs. 240-ksh. 3200 per page. Payment is usually made through wire transfer or moneybookers.
  • Writerbay

Below is a screen shot of a friend in Kenya who makes about ksh. 294,000 ($ 3265.93) a month through academic writing only.

research writing earnings in kenya
Research writing job earnings (Photo by Lifepard)

2. Blogging

A blog is a type of journal, it is a public writing space rather than a private one. In a blog, you might express opinions, make observations, recap events, have fun with language, or interpret an image so long as what are you writing is origin. Reaching a point where you earn like the blog indicated below requires hard work and quality work. Many websites normally begin to generate revenue after six months but it also depends on the quality of your work.  Most of the revenues generated from your websites come from advertisements.

In the month of February 2015 only, blogger Pat who inspires made $87,418.77 (about ksh. 7 million) from his blog Below is a screen shot to prove that….

february blog earnings
Evidence of earning online (photo by Pat)

 3. Affiliate marketing

Making money online through affiliate programs is similar to making money online through referrals but the difference is that for one to make money online through affiliate programs, the person he has referred must make a purchase. You are normally paid some commission out of the purchase of the product. I call this online hawking.

For instance, if the person you have referred purchases a book worth 600. You will be paid about 200. It is one of the best and genuine ways of making money online. However, the only problem with making money online through affiliate program is that it takes time for one to make a purchase.

In the month of  February 2015 Manthira made $796.44 (about ksh 72,000) from his blog through affiliate marketing. Below is a screen shot to prove that.

earnings of affliate marketing
(Photo by Manthira)

PS: Visit and take advantage of their the affiliate program


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