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5 jobs that will disappear or render you jobless by 2023 according to Career Cast study



Smartphones and technology will soon take your jobs. As more companies continue to digitize their operations to speed up customer service, jobs that depend on older technologies like newspaper reporters, supermarket will no more exist.

A study done by career cast revealed some of the jobs that will become useless or extinct by 2023

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1. Newspaper Reporter

Newspaper reporter was one of those jobs that were on high demand 10 years ago. The evolution of newspaper business is transforming to more of a digital model. This job is expected to reduce its rate of employment drastically by 2023.

2. Broadcaster

Who doesn’t love being on the screen? Who doesn’t like being watched on TV? Unlike in the past, the number of institutions offering media-related courses has risen surpassing the jobs available. Being a broadcaster is a job that thousands admire to do and are running to pursue courses related to it but there are fewer opportunities. Thus, competition is high, and so is stress. This job according to career cast study has a projected Job Growth by 2023 of negative13 (-13).

3. Flight Attendant

Flight Attendant job is accompanied with high stress, low pay, and a dwindling job market which contribute to it being among the worst in the coming near future. The airlines also continue to reduce their staff. Flight Attendant jobs according to career cast study have a projected Job Growth by 2023 of negative7 (-7).

4. Librarian

I don’t remember the last time I walked into a library to read a book. Online libraries like Google Books among others are far much better than physical libraries. The endpoint of school libraries will be automation and outsourcing which means Librarian jobs will be no more. If you are doing a costly degree in library science, then you’ve every reason to be worried.

5. Cashier jobs

Cashier jobs more so supermarket cashiers will soon be taken by technology. Today’s supermarkets have computerized checkouts to simplify and speed up the shopping process. There are also lots of eCommerce platforms like Kilimall, Jumia among other where you can buy any kind of product and it is delivered to your house. So which is better? Going to queue in the supermarket to be served or just tapping your smartphone and your good is delivered you your room?

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