university student mistakes

27 mistakes that university and college students commit that you should be aware of



27 mistakes that university and college students commit that you should be aware of


Get into campus and commit  the mistakes below. You will realize how unforgiving life is. You will realize that life does not know the difference between ignorance and self-aware.

Some mistakes that you commit in life may seem to be small but they will haunt you in future. If you are lucky to have committed any of the mistakes below  and life forgives you then count yourself among the lucky ones.


27 Mistakes College and  University Students Make

  1. Having only friends who heavily drink thinking you will look cool
  2. Not seeking career advice from your lectures
  3. Drinking  too much
  4. Sleeping late night
  5. Drinking before examinations
  6. Going to clubs/pubs/bars on a Sunday night
  7. Having sugar daddies/mummies while your parents can meet your basic needs
  8. Making fast food and coffee your daily meals
  9. Disrespecting students from poor backgrounds
  10. Not going to church
  11. Not studying until the last week before the exam
  12. Not following and re-sitting your supplementary exams at early stages
  13. Not joining clubs, organizations or associations
  14. Thinking a degree is a guarantee to success in life
  15. Changing or sticking to a course which is not of your  choice due to peer pressure
  16. Doing a course which you have no idea where it will lead you to
  17. Having sex without prevention
  18. Lying to your parents that the semester is not over so that you can hang around with your toddler partner
  19. Focusing only in what’s in the curriculum
  20. Misusing student loan (helb) thinking that paying it is a walk in the park
  21. Taking student politics like a do or die situation
  22. Going to the library to Facebook and tweet till the closure time instead of reading
  23. Not doing group tasks thus putting your group members in jeopardy
  24. Think jobs are waiting for your after completing your degree
  25. Forgetting to maintain family and high school friends relationship
  26. Thinking living off campus makes you a better student than those living in campus
  27. Underrating your university

You may also enjoy reading here: 3 common mistakes campus students make that you should be aware of


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